preplot是什么意思 preplot的中文翻译、读音、例句

preplot是什么意思 preplot的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:Commence pre-flight check. (进行出发前检查 Commence pre)


1. Mrs. Prefontaine your boy is Olympic stuff. (翻译:Prefontaine夫人... ...Pre是奥运苗子)

2. So, Pre, I'm ready if you are. (翻译:So, Pre, 我准备好了 如果你乐意)

3. A plot was hatched with secrecy. (翻译:一个阴谋在暗中策划着。)

4. A plot of land to harvest crops. (翻译:一块土地以在其中收割庄稼。A plot of land to harvest crops.)

5. A sort of athletic Beatle. There are T-shirts saying, "Go Pre." (翻译:运动员中的披头士 T恤上写着 Pre 跑吧)

6. The Immoral Mr. Teas had a plot and in that plot there were situations with naked girls. (翻译:不道德的茶先生有一个情节 并在这 有情节的情况下 裸女。)

7. The plot against Goulart was well underway. (翻译:毁勤嘉岭杻腔躇觉淏婓佼瞳辆俴﹝ The plot against Goulart was well underway.)

8. Yeah, and just hang back here, do a little pre-prep. (翻译:嗯 待在这 准备准备 Yeah, and just hang back here, do a little pre)

9. You know, Pre it's spring and I sense this is your week to chase the ladies. (翻译:你知道 Pre... ...春天了... ...最近这周追小姑娘去啦)

10. There's even a new concept of time - "pre-pone", the opposite of postpone, meaning "to bring something forward". (翻译:就连表示时间都有新的概念——pre-pone,延期的反义词,意为“提前”。)

11. His lordship with a title that's not 1O minutes old! (翻译:这样的人会阴谋杀害自己的妻子吗 {\3cH202020}Is this a man who could plot to kill his wife?)

12. The plot of the film is ingeniously conceived. (翻译:影片的构思相当巧妙。)

13. We identified a liquid submersion sensor in the Pre, visible through the micro USB port. (翻译:我们在Pre内发现了一个液体潜水传感器,通过microUSB接口可见。)

14. We just used the replot command, which executes the previous plot command. (翻译:我们刚才使用了replot命令,它执行先前的plot命令。)

15. That plot was got at by wicked men. (翻译:那个阴谋是卑鄙的人编造的 That plot was got at by wicked men.)

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