presumption of marriage是什么意思 presumption of marriage的中文翻译、读音、例句

presumption of marriage是什么意思 presumption of marriage的中文翻译、读音、例句

presumption of marriage的意思是"婚姻的推定",还经常被翻译为法,读音为[presumptionofmarriage],presumption of marriage在英语中经常以名词形式出现,在《英语自学简明词典》中,共找到60个与presumption of marriage相关的例句。

Presumption of marriage的翻译


例句:Have I ruined your marriage? (我破坏了你的婚姻? Have I ruined your marriage?)


例句:The presumption is that he was suffocated, possibly one day after he was kidnapped. (初步推断他是在被绑架一天之后 窒息而死的)


presumption of marriage一般作为名词使用,如在presumption(假定 )、marriage(结婚 )、in marriage(通过婚姻关系)等常见短语中出现较多。

in marriage通过婚姻关系
of marriage已婚的
disputable presumption[法] 可以反驳的推定, 不确实的推定
equitable presumption[法] 平衡法上有效的推定
inconclusive presumption[法] 非决定性的法律推定
irrebuttable presumption不可反驳的推定
law presumption[法] 法律推定


1. I think she means marriage, mate. (翻译:我觉得她是说结婚 老兄 I think she means marriage, mate.)

2. I need to fill out a marriage license. (翻译:I need to fill out a marriage license.)

3. Oh, I know, the marriage was my idea. (翻译:the marriage was my idea.)

4. Because right now, all we got is Noelle. (翻译:So, how was your marriage, Nick? Because right now, all we got is noelle.)

5. And I disrespected my marriage. (翻译:让自己的婚姻蒙羞了。And I disrespected my marriage.)

6. After this, will Japan continue the presumption that it is in charge of what it calls the Senkaku islands? (翻译:此事发生之后,日本还会继续意淫他们所谓的剑阁列岛是在他们控制之下吗?)

7. Upon which a marriage is built. (翻译:所需要的基石 upon which a marriage is built.)

8. "There was a presumption that financial innovation is socially valuable, " Woolley said to me. (翻译:“有一个推定,金融创新具有社会价值,”Woolley对我说。)

9. Thy marriage is a mournful memory. (翻译:这婚姻是悲伤的记忆 Thy marriage is a mournful memory.)

10. This would essentially reverse the ordinary presumption to caveat venditor. (翻译:这将从本质上逆转“卖方负责”的一般假设。)

11. As his mouth was sticky, the presumption was that he had eaten the cake. (翻译:由于他的嘴发粘,可以假定,他刚把这个蛋糕吃了。)

12. I want a real marriage, a true marriage, with everything that that involves... (翻译:我想要真正的婚姻 I want a real marriage, a true marriage, 包含其该包含的一切 with everything that that involves...)

13. I respect the sanctity of marriage. Engagement. (翻译:我尊重婚姻的神圣性 I respect the sanctity of marriage.)

14. "with the breakdown of her first marriage, (翻译:经历了一次失败的婚姻 with the breakdown of her first marriage)

15. Such a monstrous presumption to think that others could benefit from the squalid catalogue of your mistakes! (翻译:我真的不敢相信这是真的 这么说别人不用受你的折磨了)

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