primitive segments是什么意思 primitive segments的中文翻译、读音、例句

primitive segments是什么意思 primitive segments的中文翻译、读音、例句

primitive segments在英语中代表"原节"的意思,还经常被翻译为原节,发音是[primitivesegments],primitive segments在英语中经常以名词形式出现,在《英语汉语大辞典》中,共找到83个与primitive segments相关的例句。

Primitive segments的词典翻译


例句:TIBA also inhibited elongation of excised garlic bolt segments. (TIBA也能抑制离体蒜薹切段的伸长。)


primitive segments一般作为名词使用,如在in segments(成节[段],分节[段])、primitive(原始的 )、exclusive segments([电] 互斥段)等常见短语中出现较多。

in segments成节[段],分节[段]
exclusive segments[电] 互斥段
fin segments鳍节
gnathal segments颚节
hepatic segments肝段
inclusive segments相容段,包含段
incommensurable segments[数] 不可通约线段
industry segments行业分部(industry segment的复数)


1. The primitive visual symbols include object symbols, rope-tying symbols, Bagua symbols, primitive pictures and primitive statues. (翻译:原始的视觉符号包括实物符号、结绳符号。八卦符号、原始记号、原始图画和原始雕塑;)

2. Epicotyl segments were the optimal explants for adventitious buds regeneration. (翻译:上胚轴是再生不定芽的最佳外植体类型。)

3. First, she lost a battle with some primitive. (翻译:她先是输给了个低等的家伙 First, she lost a battle with some primitive.)

4. He introduced order of the most primitive kind. (翻译:他引入了许多 最为原始和自然的条例和规则)

5. Leaves all similar, usually submerged, with filiform segments. (翻译:全部相似的叶,通常沉水的,具丝状的裂片。)

6. The beads are DNA segments wrapped around the histone. (翻译:这些珠子是包裹在组蛋白上的 DNA 片段。)

7. No other species exists with this mix of primitive and derived traits. (翻译:没有哪个物种混合着 既原始又衍生的特点。)

8. Chaidam: Chaidam vigorous great, primitive rough. (翻译:柴达木雄浑博大,原始粗犷。)

9. It was in this old and primitive way that Martin wooed Ruth. (翻译:马丁就是以这种古老而原始的方式向露丝求爱的。)

10. The segments are then pipelined to the close-pair identification component. (翻译:该片段,然后流水线就要结束对鉴定的组成部分。)

11. Primitive peoples deified the sun. (翻译:原始部落将太阳奉为神。)

12. And right now, humanoid robots are still incredibly primitive. (翻译:还处在非常原始的状态。它们所能完成的任务十分有限。)

13. And primitive demonstrations of electricity never failed as a crowd pleaser. (翻译:对于电学原理的初步演示 And primitive demonstrations of electricity 深受公众的欢迎 never failed as a crowd pleaser.)

14. Next, the team built a table of the segments of the polygon. (翻译:接下来,该团队构建了一个多边形片段表。)

15. At the time, medicine was still a primitive quasi-science. (翻译:当时,医学仍是原始的准科学。)

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