principle of monodromy是什么意思 principle of monodromy的中文翻译、读音、例句

principle of monodromy是什么意思 principle of monodromy的中文翻译、读音、例句

principle of monodromy的中文解释是"单价原理",作为名词时有"单价原理"的意思,发音是[principleofmonodromy],principle of monodromy来源于英语,在《汉语英语翻译词典》中,共找到86个与principle of monodromy相关的句子。

Principle of monodromy的词典翻译


例句:The fundamental principle of self-defense is the ability to strike your opponent in a vulnerable spot as soon as you sense an opening. (自卫的基本原理 The fundamental principle of self -defense. 是要准确的攻击对手的弱点 the ability to strike your opponent in a vulnerable spot.)


principle of monodromy一般作为名词使用,如在monodromy(单值(性))、monodromy group(单值群)、monodromy matrix(单值矩阵)等常见短语中出现较多。

monodromy group单值群
monodromy matrix单值矩阵
monodromy nonambiguity单值性
monodromy theorem单值定理
in principle原则上, 大体上
of principle有原则的
on principle根据原则
the principle原理; 原则


1. The principle of SVD was introduced. (翻译:介绍了奇异值分解法的原理; )

2. This is the principle of fallibility. (翻译:这是原则的缺陷。)

3. But we will recommend the principle of equal opportunities at every level. (翻译:但各级部门都要从原则上赞同 But we will recommend the principle of equal at every level.)

4. The principle has now been effectively conceeded by most of them. (翻译:法则已经被他们大部分人所认可 The principle has now been effectively conceded by most of them)

5. Your principle is to fight to win.. ..and my principle is to fight for the truth. (翻译:你的原则是要打赢官司 而我的原则是为真相而战)

6. She compromise my principle (翻译:{\3cH000080FF\4cH20FF8000}♪为她放弃我也愿意♪)

7. We have to make our principle investor here, The Sheikh. (翻译:我们的投资者 酋长 We have to make our principle investor here, The Sheikh.)

8. Child care is a principle. (翻译:儿童医护是原则问题。Child care is a principle.)

9. There is one exception to this general principle. (翻译:这个一般性原则有一例外。)

10. The principle of taking money away from the arts and putting it into football. (翻译:从原则上允许剥夺艺术经费 The principle of taking money away from the arts 拿来支援足球这种东西 and putting it into football.)

11. It's the same principle as a catapult. (翻译:这与弹射器是一个道理。)

12. They dismissed the principle of presumed innocence! (翻译:完全违返法律上任何人... 在判决前都是清白的原则)

13. According to its operation principle and the function in FGD apparatus, the essay discusses its lectotype principle. (翻译:根据其基本原理和在整个湿法烟气脱硫装置中的作用,探讨了水力旋流器的选型原则。)

14. It's not just a matter of principle. (翻译:这不仅仅是个原则问题。)

15. that while the proposal met with broad approval in principle, some of the principles were sufficiently fundamental in principle and some of the considerations so complex and finely balanced in practice that in principle it was proposed that the sensible and prudent practice (翻译:尽管提案纲领得到广泛认可 while the proposal met with broad approval in principle, 某些原则理论原则上可行 some of the principles were fundamental in principle 某些方面太复杂 在实践中需要微妙的平衡 and some of the considerations balanced in practice)

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