printed publication的中文解释是"印刷出版物",作为名词时有"印刷出版物"的意思,发音音标为[printedpublication],printed publication在英语中经常以名词形式出现,在《郎文英汉双解大词典》中,共找到26个与printed publication相关的句子。
Printed publication的词典翻译
例句:Certificate Services had problems loading valid CRL publication values and has reset the CRL publication to its default settings. (证书服务加载有效的CRL发行值有问题,重设CRL发行到它的默认值。)
printed publication一般作为名词使用,如在publication(出版 )、not for publication([图情] 不供出版)、of publication([经] 停止发行)等常见短语中出现较多。
publication | 出版 |
not for publication | [图情] 不供出版 |
of publication | [经] 停止发行 |
printed | a. 印刷的, 印好的, 印花样的\n[电] 印刷的 |
digital publication | [网络] 数字出版发行;数位出版品;数字出版物 |
effective publication | 有效发表 |
electronic publication | electronic publishing的变形 |
external publication | 对外(发行)出版物,公开文献 |
farm publication | 农业出版品 |
1. I ran the utility programs, and I had nothing there, so I checked all the memories against the printed logs. (翻译:结果没用 于是我检查与资料不符的记忆 so I checked all the memories against the printed logs.)
2. It was printed in Monterey, I checked. (翻译:-- 我查过了是在蒙特利尔印刷的,而写的故事则是这样开头的, )
3. The publication of the material is met with praise as well as strong criticism. (翻译:和传播的物质满足与好评 以及强烈的批评。)
4. Publication dates are given in brackets after each title. (翻译:出版日期括于书名后面。)
5. Some kind of green shape printed on it. (翻译:上面印了些绿色花纹 {\cHFFFFFF}{\3cH2F2F2F}{\4cH000000}Some kind of green shape printed on it.)
6. Someone made a slipup in the printed program. (翻译:有人在印出来的节目单上出了一个小疏误。)
7. At checkout, your bill will be printed for you. (翻译:结账时,旅馆会把你的账单打印给你。)
8. No sucres will be printed or coined. (翻译:苏克雷货币不会印刷成纸币也不会铸成硬币。)
9. We printed two hundred and fifty invitations. (翻译:我们印了250份请柬。)
10. Main content of ICRP publication78 is introduced. (翻译:简要介绍了ICRP第78号出版物的主要内容。)
11. All reports are vetted before publication. (翻译:所有报道都要经过仔细检查后才能发表。)
12. - We printed him this morning. (翻译:指纹是今早采集的 We printed him this morning.)
13. They printed 30 000 copies of the book. (翻译:这本书他们印了3万册。)
14. Headwords are printed in bold. (翻译:首词用黑体印刷。)
15. When will I receive my ordered hardcopy softcopy publication? (翻译:我会于何时收到我所订购的刊物或下载版本?)