1. 意义解释:'printf'是一个来自C语言的函数,用于将格式化的数据输出到控制台或文件。该单词通常拆分为'print format',表示输出格式化的数据。
2. 用途说明:'printf'主要应用于编程语言中,是一种输出数据的方法。它能够将不同类型的数据(如字符、数字、字符串等)按照特定格式输出到屏幕或文件中。
3. 缩写词解释:'printf'是'print formatted'的缩写词,表示输出格式化的数据。相比于输出普通文本,格式化输出可以使输出结果更加清晰明了,更符合人们的阅读习惯。
1. We use printf function in C programming language to display the output.
2. You can use printf to print a message to the console.
3. The printf function will output the formatted message to the console window.
4. The %d in the printf statement will be replaced with the integer value.
5. If you want to format the output with printf, you need to use special format specifiers.
1. printf("Hello, World!\n"); (输出如下内容:Hello, World!)
2. int age = 18;
printf("My age is %d", age); (输出如下内容:My age is 18)
3. printf("Today is %s", "Monday"); (输出如下内容:Today is Monday)
4. double pi = 3.1415926535;
printf("The value of pi is %.2f", pi); (输出如下内容:The value of pi is 3.14)
5. char ch = 'A';
printf("The ASCII code of %c is %d", ch, ch); (输出如下内容:The ASCII code of A is 65)
6. int num1 = 10, num2 = 20;
printf("The sum of %d and %d is %d", num1, num2, num1+num2); (输出如下内容:The sum of 10 and 20 is 30)
7. float f1 = 3.14, f2 = 2.5;
printf("The product of %.2f and %.1f is %.3f", f1, f2, f1*f2); (输出如下内容:The product of 3.14 and 2.5 is 7.850)
8. printf("%d-%02d-%02d", 2021, 12, 5); (输出如下内容:2021-12-05)
9. char str[20] = "Hello!";
printf("%s, %s", str, "Tom"); (输出如下内容:Hello!, Tom)
1. 在C语言中,我们可以使用printf函数来输出内容。
2. 为了更好地控制输出的格式,我们可以使用printf函数的格式化字符串功能。
The Chinese translation of 'printf' is "打印格式化输出", and the pronunciation of 'printf' is [pri:ntf].
1. In C language, we can use the printf function to output content.
2. To better control the output format, we can use the formatted string feature of the printf function.
例句:The code in fork1. c simply makes the call to fork and prints the integer result through a call to printf. (c中的代码不过就是发出fork调用,并通过一个printf调用来打印整数结果。)
例句:The %03d is a printf-style format specifier. (03d 是 printf风格的格式说明符。)
例句:Also, many "helper" functions like atoi, printf, memcpy, strcmp, etc. were needed. (此外,我还需要一些“工具”函数,如atoi、printf、memcpy、strcmp等等。)
例句:Is there a command to printf? (翻译:是否有个命令来打印? )
1. Also, many "helper" functions like atoi, printf, memcpy, strcmp, etc. were needed. (翻译:此外,我还需要一些“工具”函数,如atoi、printf、memcpy、strcmp等等。)
2. Is there a command to printf? (翻译:是否有个命令来打印? )
3. Printf is used instead of println. (翻译:使用了printf而非println。)
4. Some of the most convenient features added in C99 are in the printf family of functions. (翻译:C99中增加的最方便的特性在printf函数家族中。)
5. When the SPU needs to do any standard library calls like printf or exit, it has to call back to the main thread. (翻译:当SPU需要执行任何标准的库调用时,例如printf或exit,它都需要回调主线程。)
6. After computing the factorial, you now want to print it out using printf. (翻译:计算了阶乘之后,现在需要用printf将其打印出来。)
7. And then I said printf "Oh hi world!" (翻译:紧接着是printf“Oh, hi, world !” )
8. The first parameter to printf is the address of an output string. (翻译:printf的第一个参数是输出字符串的地址。)
9. If any of the tests fail, an appropriate message is printed in the Purify console or log by calling purify_printf. (翻译:如果任何一个测试失败,就会有一个适当的消息都会通过调用purify_printf打印在Purify控制台或者日志中。)
10. Use printf tokens for dynamic content in a full sentence rather than breaking up the sentence into multiple strings. (翻译:在完整的句子中使用printf标记来标记动态内容而不要将句子分割为多个字符串。)