prior ignorance是什么意思 prior ignorance的中文翻译、读音、例句

prior ignorance是什么意思 prior ignorance的中文翻译、读音、例句

prior ignorance的意思是"先前不知",在日常中也代表"先前不知"的意思,单词读音音标为[priorignorance],prior ignorance常被用作名词,在《新英汉汉英词典》中,共找到27个与prior ignorance相关的句子。

Prior ignorance的释义


例句:- Did you have any prior contact with him? (你之前有和他联系吗? {\3cH202020}Did you have any prior contact with him?)


prior ignorance一般作为名词使用,如在ignorance(无知 )、in ignorance of(对……不知道)、prior(优先的)等常见短语中出现较多。

in ignorance of对……不知道
prior to在前, 居先\n[经] 在...之前
equal ignorance相等的无知
factor of ignorance安全系数
final ignorance最终不知
from ignorance出于无知
ignorance factor不知因素


1. Ignorance of roaming call charges is common. (翻译:不知道漫游电话收费情况很普遍。)

2. I fear I have a prior engagement. (翻译:我恐怕我有约在先了 I fear I have a prior engagement.)

3. Or depression prior to your state clear haven? (翻译:还有抑郁或不清醒的状态吗? Or depression prior to your state clear haven?)

4. These values undermine the appeals of fanaticism and ignorance and, after all, the universe is mostly dark, dotted by islands of light. (翻译:科学的价值能阻止 These values undermine the appeals 狂热与无知 of fanaticism and ignorance 毕竟 and, after all,)

5. Bigotry, intolerance and ignorance are still rife. (翻译:偏执,不容忍和熟视无睹仍然盛行。)

6. Most ignorance is vincible ignorance, We don't know because we don't want to now. (翻译:许多疏漏是可以克服的,只是因为我们不想知道怎么去做。)

7. Cultural patricide is caused by ignorance! (翻译:文化弑父,其实是无知弑父! )

8. We're using it to make better ignorance, to come up with, if you will, higher-quality ignorance. (翻译:我们正是用知识和事实来推出更好的无知, 如果可能,推出更高质的无知。)

9. Visits are by prior arrangement. (翻译:参观需要事先安排。)

10. With his prior reputation, as an enforcer from.. (翻译, as an enforcer from..)

11. is merely a code word for our ignorance. (翻译:我们不知道它是什么,只能强给它起个名字而已 is merely a code word for our ignorance.)

12. - Your ignorance and misinformation. (翻译:你的无知和误报 {\cHFFFFFF}{\3cH111111}{\4cH111111}Your ignorance and misinformation)

13. Hallelujah and ignorance, here we come. (翻译:哈利路亚 还有满脑子无知 我们都经历过了)

14. Cricket, steam engines and a complete ignorance of theology. (翻译:喜欢板球 蒸汽机 Cricket, steam engines and 对神学一无所知 a complete ignorance of theology.)

15. Hooray for blind faith and ignorance. (翻译:让我们为愚昧和盲目的信仰高呼万岁 Hooray for blind faith and ignorance.)

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