prison sentence在英语中代表"徒刑"的意思,在英美地区还有"徒刑"的意思,在线发音:[prisonsentence],prison sentence来源于英语,在《英语自学简明词典》中,共找到50个与prison sentence相关的例句。
Prison sentence的中文翻译
例句:The city is a prison, you never escape (The city is a prison,you never escape)
prison sentence一般作为名词使用,如在in prison(坐牢)、sentence(句子)、sentence to(处以…刑罚; 使遭受)等常见短语中出现较多。
in prison | 坐牢 |
sentence | 句子 |
sentence to | 处以…刑罚; 使遭受 |
female prison | 女监 |
go to prison | 入狱, 被监禁 |
juvenile prison | 少管所 |
lie in prison | 在狱中,坐牢 |
prison ashlar | 琢孔方石 |
prison bird | 囚犯, 惯犯\n[法] 囚犯 |
1. Say, D-Block of a maximum-security prison? (翻译:D block of a maximum security prison?)
2. It turned out that Hauptmann had served a three-year prison sentence in Germany for burglary. (翻译:结果证明,豪普特曼在德国曾因盗窃坐过xx年牢。)
3. But he was facing a five-year prison sentence because of the sentencing schemes in California. (翻译:由于加州量刑方案, 他面临着xx年有期徒刑。)
4. For these charges, Manning faced life in prison, and a possible death sentence. (翻译:对于这些指控, 曼宁面临终身监禁 并可能被判死刑。)
5. I do, Governor, but this is still my prison. (翻译:but this is still my prison.)
6. For instance, Malaysia just instituted a six-year prison sentence for anyone found spreading misinformation. (翻译:举个例子,马来西亚刚刚颁布法案, 对任何散布不实消息的人 处以xx年监禁。)
7. We've agreed to a three-year sentence in state prison with a forthwith commitment. (翻译:我们同意在州立监狱 服刑xx年的宣判... 并立即执行入狱)
8. One source tells Metropolis, that many believed the mark of the Bat brand in prison essentially is a death sentence. (翻译:来自大都会市的消息指出 蝙蝠标记在狱中象征了死亡.)
9. He beat someone up or something, and he decided to fake madness to get out of a prison sentence. (翻译:他好像打了人还是其他什么事 然后他决定装疯以此逃过牢狱之灾)
10. She's malnourished, basically living in a prison cell. (翻译:basically living in a prison cell.)
11. Your sentence is to be stayed. (翻译:盢膥尿狝 Your sentence is to be stayed.)
12. Bernard Madoff, 72, is serving a 150-year sentence at a federal prison in Butner, North Carolina. (翻译:伯纳德麦道夫,xx岁,目前他正在北卡罗莱纳州的巴特纳联邦监狱服刑xx年。)
13. Now, unless you're a prison guard, the sentence "Some jobs are jails" is literally false. (翻译:当然,除非你是监狱看守, “有些工作是监狱”这句话字面上是错的。)
14. If convicted, Ross faces a minimum sentence of 30 years with a maximum sentence of life in prison. (翻译:如果罪名成立,罗斯将面临至少xx年监禁 与最高终身监禁的徒刑。)
15. My point is, your life hasn't ended up too well, thanks to that prison sentence. (翻译:-我想说你的生活如此潦倒,全因这牢狱之灾。)