prismatic joint是什么意思 prismatic joint的中文翻译、读音、例句

prismatic joint是什么意思 prismatic joint的中文翻译、读音、例句

prismatic joint通常被翻译为"棱柱型关节"的意思,其中文解释还有"棱柱型关节"的意思,在线发音:[prismaticjoint],prismatic joint常被用作名词,在《大课标百科词典》中,共找到31个与prismatic joint相关的例句。

Prismatic joint的翻译


例句:Besides, I know that joint. (再说 我熟悉那地方 很多出口 Besides, I know that joint.)


prismatic joint一般作为名词使用,如在prismatic(棱镜的 )、long prismatic(长棱形的)、prismatic action(棱镜作用)等常见短语中出现较多。

long prismatic长棱形的
prismatic action棱镜作用
prismatic administration棱柱型行政
prismatic anamorphs棱镜式宽银幕物镜附件
prismatic astrolabe棱镜等高仪
prismatic bar等截面杆
prismatic beam(棱)柱状梁
prismatic bed等截面河床


1. A joint venture between China and Hong Kong. (翻译:港、中联手破案 {\cH00FFFF}{\3cH000000}A joint venture between China and Hong Kong.)

2. Because the idealistic "rigid joint" and "hinged joint" are inexistent, the stiffness of any connection types is between idealistic rigid joint and hinged joint. (翻译:因为理想的刚节点和铰接点是不存在的,任何连接形式的刚度都是介于理想刚接和完全铰接之间的。)

3. Hey, does anybody want a joint? (翻译:谁想吸一口? Does anybody want a joint?)

4. - Joint Chiefs are already here. (翻译:-早餐跟谁一起 - Joint Chiefs are already here.)

5. Yesterday, the Chilean fleet suddenly broke off joint maneuvers... (翻译:昨天 智利军队突然退出了联合军事演习... Yesterday, the Chilean fleet suddenly broke off joint maneuvers...)

6. Is it a joint operation with the CIA? (翻译:是和中情局的联合行动吗 Is it a joint operation with the CIA?)

7. Up until then, I never even smoked a joint. (翻译:在那之前 甚至连在海外 Up until then, I never even smoked a joint.)

8. Especially since the joint was nicely juiced. (翻译:特别是使用了特制的扑克以后 especially since the joint was nicely juiced.)

9. You want me to roll a joint? (翻译:要我帮你卷支大麻吗? You want me to roll a joint?)

10. - Is it on the joint account? (翻译:从咱联名账户里出的么 Is it on the joint account?)

11. The construction technique of slip-form in continuous non-prismatic silo is still in its searching period. (翻译:采用滑模进行变截面钢筋砼筒仓施工尚处于探索阶段。)

12. Treatment involves measures to support the subluxated joint such as taping the joint, using a lapboard or armboard. (翻译:治疗涉及采取一些措施来支撑半脱位关节,例如使用护腿板或护板对关节进行绑扎。)

13. We have a joint bank account, you idiot. (翻译:我们用的是联名的银行卡 你个傻逼 We have a joint bank account, you idiot.)

14. There are three communications between the midcarpal joint AD common carpometacarpal joint in the normal... (翻译:正常人腕中与腕掌关节间的交通为远排腕骨间的三个骨间关节。)

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