priti是什么意思 priti的中文翻译、读音、例句

priti是什么意思 priti的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:- We even have a fairly accurate. - Oh! - Which is? (我们甚至想出了具体名字 On en a même une assez précise.)


例句:But NASA reneges on its obligation and instead of giving DoD priority, they started taking Senators up there, in... just PR stunt after PR stunt. (但太空总署违背自己的义务 而不是给美国国防部优先权 他们开始带参议员到那里 ..只是公关噱头之后又是公关噱头)

例句:PRP schemes are most commonly used for managers in private-sector organisations. (PR P方案大都普遍用于私营部门组织内的经理。)


例句:Mr. Al-Said, you do know that I'm not a PR specialist. (翻译:Al -Said先生 你明白 我并不是个公关专家的吧)


1. PRP schemes are most commonly used for managers in private-sector organisations. (翻译:PR P方案大都普遍用于私营部门组织内的经理。)

2. Mr. Al-Said, you do know that I'm not a PR specialist. (翻译:Al -Said先生 你明白 我并不是个公关专家的吧)

3. The coefficient equation of PR and SRK equation of states can be obtained according to the mixing rules. (翻译:根据混合规则分别推导了关于PR和SRK方程的逸度系数表达式。)

4. Tell me, what made you to be a PR? (翻译:你告诉我,什么事情你搞不定... 要去做舞小姐?)

5. I rather be a PR girl so I can help him finish his study. (翻译:我宁愿在夜总会做女公关 都是为了帮他完成学业)

6. Perhaps I could have a pr闰is of that. (翻译:也许你该对这番话做个总结 Perhaps I could have a pr闰is of that.)

7. Mr Archer, I'm Emily, head of PR and your wedding planner. (翻译:Archer先生 我是Emily 公关部经理 同时也是婚礼策划人)

8. I suppose the fact that I discovered the message means I have PR value. (翻译:既然消息本来是我找到的,也许,他们认为我尚有一些公关价值吧)

9. The PR department is currently promoting the conservation of marine animals. (翻译:现在公关部主要着手于 海洋动物的保育和宣传工作)

10. PR: There are a lot of conspiracy theories for sure, but it doesn't work that way. (翻译:PR: 确实有很多阴谋论,但这是不一样的。)

11. Carnelian needs to turn this to their PR advantage... (翻译:他必须表现的强硬一点 Carnelian需要把这变成他们公关优势)

12. The only thing that counts today is PR and promotion. (翻译:现在唯一重要的是公关和推广。The only thing that counts today is PR and promotion.)

13. It would create an enormous PR problem. (翻译:不然会造成巨大的公关问题 It would create an enormous pr problem.)

14. PR: That's absolutely true, and there's no such thing as pure food. (翻译:PR:没错, 而且这里没有一种东西是纯正的食物。)

15. Now.. words beginning with "A". (翻译:现在列举以A开头的动物名称 A présent, des animaux commençant par A.)

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