mett是什么意思 mett的中文翻译、读音、例句

mett是什么意思 mett的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 含义:METT通常是指Military decision making process中的一部分,即Mission, Enemy, Terrain and weather, Troops and Support available,意为任务、敌情、地形和天气、部队和可用支援。在其他领域中,METT也可以指Meetings, Events, Travel and Tourism,意为会议、事件、旅游和旅行。

2. 翻译:METT可以根据具体的上下文翻译为“任务、敌情、地形和天气、部队和可用支援”或“会议、事件、旅游和旅行”。

3. 应用:METT常常被用于军事决策中,通过分析任务目标、敌情情报、地形和天气以及可用部队和支援的状况,制定出最合适的作战计划。

4. 相关词汇:Military decision making process, Mission analysis, Enemy analysis, Terrain analysis, Weather analysis, Troop analysis, Support analysis, Meetings, Events, Travel, Tourism


1. The success of this mission will depend on how effectively we analyze the METT factors.


2. The commander spent several hours analyzing the METT factors before making a decision.


3. Before planning any business travel, it's important to take into account the METT considerations, such as meetings and events.


4. When planning a vacation, it's important to consider the METT factors like weather and available transportation.


5. As a military analyst, I am responsible for evaluating the METT factors and making recommendations to the command staff.




1. Ich esse gerne Mettbrötchen zum Frühstück.(我喜欢在早餐时吃猪肉末面包)

2. Wenn wir grillen, machen wir immer Mett auf den Burger.(我们烧烤时,总是在汉堡上放点猪肉酱)

3. Das Mett muss gut gewürzt sein, damit es schmeckt.(猪肉末需要加足调料才好吃)

4. In Deutschland ist Mett sehr verbreitet.(在德国,猪肉末很常见)

5. Beim Metzger um die Ecke gibt es immer frisches Mett.(在街角的屠夫店里,总是有新鲜的猪肉末)

6. Mett darf auf keinem Frühstückstisch in Norddeutschland fehlen.(在德国北部,每个早餐桌上都少不了猪肉末)

7. Wenn ich nach Deutschland reise, muss ich immer ein paar Mettbrötchen essen.(当我去德国旅行时,总要吃几个猪肉末面包)

8. Ich kann kein Mett essen, weil ich Vegetarier bin.(我是素食主义者,不能吃猪肉末)

9. Man sollte immer auf die Hygiene achten, wenn man Mett isst.(吃猪肉末时,应该注意卫生)



1. Meditation helps to cultivate mett, which can bring peace and happiness to oneself and others.(冥想有助于培养慈悲心,可以给自己和他人带来平静与幸福。)

2. The Buddhist teaching of mett encourages us to develop a loving and compassionate attitude towards all beings.(佛教的慈悲心教导我们对所有众生都保持爱与同情。)




例句:Mett is the beginning but also left the countdown. (遇见是开始却也是离开的倒计时。)


例句:Dr. Paul Ekman and Dr. David Matsumoto created METT, an online micro expression training tool. (保罗艾克曼博士博士和大卫松本创建梅特,在线微表达的训练工具。)


例句:no matter where you go, the trouble will follow you and no matter what you do, the trouble will mett you. (无论你身在何处,困难将跟随你,无论你做什么,也会遇到困难。)


例句:Dr. Paul Ekman and Dr. David Matsumoto created METT, an online micro expression training tool. (翻译:保罗艾克曼博士博士和大卫松本创建梅特,在线微表达的训练工具。)


mett一般作为名词使用,如在Mett's method([医] 梅特氏法(检消化力))、Mett's test([医] 梅特氏试验(测检胃蛋白酶活力))、Mett's tests([医] 梅特氏试验(测验胃蛋白酶活力))等常见短语中出现较多。

Mett's method[医] 梅特氏法(检消化力)
Mett's test[医] 梅特氏试验(测检胃蛋白酶活力)
Mett's tests[医] 梅特氏试验(测验胃蛋白酶活力)
Mett's tubes[医] 梅特氏管(检胃蛋白酶活力)
hypolepis punctata mett.小蕨;姬蕨(日本)
plagiogyria euphlebia mett.中华瘤足蕨
Polypodium nipponicum Mett.[医] 水龙骨
vaginularia paradoxa mett.连胞一线蕨


1. no matter where you go, the trouble will follow you and no matter what you do, the trouble will mett you. (翻译:无论你身在何处,困难将跟随你,无论你做什么,也会遇到困难。)

2. Dr. Paul Ekman and Dr. David Matsumoto created METT, an online micro expression training tool. (翻译:保罗艾克曼博士博士和大卫松本创建梅特,在线微表达的训练工具。)



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