mexitils是什么意思 mexitils的中文翻译、读音、例句

mexitils是什么意思 mexitils的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:Very Arizona, very Tex Mex. (很有亚利桑那的味道 Very Arizona, 也很有美国墨西哥人的风范 真好 ...very Tex)


例句:This is President Kim Il-sung's Signature Monument. ({\1cH00FFFF}这是金日成主席题字纪念碑)


1. MCPS - Multi-Climate Protection System - NOMEX flame resistant clothing for US Marine and Navy aviators and aircrew. (翻译:MCP的-多种气候保护系统- no mex阻燃服装为美国海洋和海军飞行员和机组人员。)

2. Oh, it's so delicious. You can expect that for 500 per bottle. (翻译:真好喝 Il est délicieux.)

3. No way. We Sunday Sisters top everyone. (翻译:不会,我觉得S u n d a y S i s t e r s 比齐豫唱得更好呀)

4. Had his name been Michel or Pepito, he would have been just as bad. (翻译:他可以叫米歇尔或者佩皮多 Il se serait appelé Michel ou Pepito, 他也会变得这么邪恶 il aurait été aussi méchant.)

5. You'll see, it's a comfy sofa. (翻译:看 这沙发很不错 Tiens voir, il est très bon, ce canapé.)

6. The plasma IL 10 levels were observed kinetically. (翻译:对血浆IL 10水平进行动态观察。)

7. The Italians have an old saying, "Il dolce far niente." (翻译:意大利人有句老话:“Il dolce far niente .”。)

8. I-I don't mean to bother you, but we're just really big fans of Firefly. (翻译:先... Hi, excuse me, s... s...)

9. And because over there he's just another Mex bracero any man with a badge is his jefe. (翻译:因为在那边,他只是个墨西哥的打工仔。任何穿制服的人都可以对他指手划脚。)

10. She and I will make some cute Tex-Mex babies. (翻译:我们俩一起能生不少德克萨斯 -墨西哥 混血的漂亮宝宝)

11. Siuil go socair agus siuil go ciuin (翻译:♫Siúil go socair agus siúil go ciúin♫)

12. Say it again, Mr. Janvier. (翻译:让维埃先生 Peut -il, Monsieur Janvier,)

13. Coal is a foss il fuel. (翻译:煤是一种矿物燃料。)

14. Objetive to construct human IL 12 efficient expression vector. (翻译:目的构建人il - 12的高效表达载体。)

15. In my head, there are things that even the magic milk can't erase. (翻译:在我的脑海里 Dans ma tête, il y a des choses que, 即使是魔法汁液也无法使我忘怀 même la sève magique, elle ne peux pas enlever.)



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