professionary是什么意思 professionary的中文翻译、读音、例句

professionary是什么意思 professionary的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:Monitor the technologic standard implement status on site; supervise the relevant perso to correct when niece ary. (监督生产现场对生产工艺的执行情况,必要时督促相关人员及时改正。)


例句:SOOTHSAYING is not a very respectable profession. (预言并不是什么受人尊敬的职业。)


1. There are some people in this profession that really, truly believe that it is... (翻译:在考古这个业界内,有一些人是真的坚信...)

2. They're both doctors by profession. (翻译:他们两人的职业都是医生。)

3. We might then more simply create n-ary subtrees of "as many plains as possible." (翻译:然后,我们就可以更简单地创建“plain尽可能多”的n - ary子树了。)

4. You are by profession machinery? (翻译:你是专修... 机械的? 但是中国没有机械)

5. Not a bad profession. I liked the idea of not having to look for food or shelter, or have responsibility. (翻译:不错的职业 Not a bad profession. 也没有责任 or have responsibility.)

6. The profession is policed by its own regulatory body. (翻译:这个行业由其自律机构监督。)

7. By doing everything nece ary and for further study. (翻译:做任何需要做的事情以及继续深入学习。)

8. Latency of multi-ary hypercube switching fabric in the terabit router (翻译:太比特路由器多元超立方体交换结构时延性能分析)

9. He deprecated the low quality of entrants to the profession. (翻译:他抨击了行业中的滥竽充数。)

10. Many profession that used to require a recipe, plan, ect, to learn are now trainable by the corresponding profession trainer. (翻译:许多需要配方的技能现在可以在相应的专业训练师那儿学习到。)

11. It's going to be a viable and sustainable and respected profession. (翻译:它会成为一个可行的 可持续的 并受到尊敬的职业 )

12. Advance the Profession. SHRM's mission in part is to advance the HR profession. (翻译:推进行业。人力资源管理学会的部分使命是促进人力资源专业。)

13. So, then, the oldest profession would be fisherman. (翻译:{\fn黑体\fs22\bord1\shad0\3aHBE\4aH00\fscx67\fscy66\2cHFFFFFF\3cH808080}啊哈,那最古老的职业应该是渔夫 {\fnarial black\fs12\bord1\shad0\4aH00\fscx90\fscy110}Aha,so then the oldest profession would be fishermen.)

14. When a word ends with ary, ully or ally, the a or u vowel is often dropped. (翻译:如果单词以ary、ully或ally结尾的话,元音a或u常常会被省略。)

15. Nurses are leaving the profession in increasing numbers. (翻译:越来越多的护士退出这一职业。)

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