progression wave winding是什么意思 progression wave winding的中文翻译、读音、例

progression wave winding是什么意思 progression wave winding的中文翻译、读音、例

progression wave winding在英语中代表"行波绕组"的意思,其中文解释还有"行波绕组"的意思,读音为[progressionwavewinding],progression wave winding是一个英语名词,在《英语汉语大辞典》中,共找到87个与progression wave winding相关的句子。

Progression wave winding的翻译


例句:Second wave just dropped out. (第二波敌人来了 他们就在路上 Second wave just dropped out.)


progression wave winding一般作为名词使用,如在progression wave(un. 前进波)、wave winding(波形绕组;波形绕法)、forward progression winding(行绕组)等常见短语中出现较多。

progression waveun. 前进波
wave winding波形绕组;波形绕法
forward progression winding行绕组
progression lap windingun. 右行叠绕组
progression wave motionun. 前进波动
in progression连续,相继
duplex wave winding双波绕组
multiple wave winding复波形绕组


1. The Great Depression made not a dent in this exponential progression. (翻译:大萧条根本没有影响科技发展的指数增长。)

2. Through verdurous glooms and winding mossy ways. (翻译:葱绿的幽暗,和苔藓的曲径。)

3. - Have you studied the varying rates of greyscale progression in infants and fully grown men? (翻译:- Have you studied 灰鳞病在婴儿与成人身上 the varying rates of greyscale progression 发展的不同程度吗 in infants and fully grown men?)

4. They know another wave is coming. (翻译:他们也知道另一股敌人要来了 They know another wave is coming.)

5. And then 10:00 to 11:00, the wave. (翻译:然后10点到11点是巨浪 And then 10: 00 to 1 1: 00, the wave.)

6. Her Majesty, Queen Clarisse... and Her Royal Highness, Amelia, Princess of Genovia. (翻译:Forever will your banner wave)

7. Stator winding interturn compression tests. (翻译:定子绕组做匝间耐压测试。)

8. It is a gradual winding down of tissues and organs (翻译:而是组织器官之间的联系, 逐渐断开的过程)

9. The second wave is coming! (翻译:第二波浪要来了! 我们被巨浪包围了 The second wave is coming!)

10. And it was a study that was looking at the progression of untreated syphilis. (翻译:这项研究主要是观察 未经治疗的梅毒病人的状况。)

11. Bend from above and always wear your gloves, and wave. (翻译:Bend from above and always wear your gloves,and wave 招手时还要记得戴手套)

12. There is no progression of affairs in human experience. (翻译:没有突破性的事件, 在人类的经验领域。)

13. If no triple overtone voltage, check the winding lug or replace with another winding. (翻译:发电机的谐波组开路或短路,无三次谐波电压输出,检查绕组接头或拆换绕组。)

14. A strange procession was winding up the Alm. (翻译:一支奇怪的队伍正登上高山牧场。)

15. Little fishing boats began winding their conches. (翻译:小渔船吹起了海螺。)

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