projection cular是什么意思 projection cular的中文翻译、读音、例句

projection cular是什么意思 projection cular的中文翻译、读音、例句

projection cular的意思是"投射目镜",还有投射目镜的意思,读音为[projectioncular],projection cular在英语中经常以名词形式出现,在《中小学生词典》中,共找到49个与projection cular相关的例句。

Projection cular的翻译


例句:Such a projection is called axonometric projection. (这样的投影图称为轴测图。)


projection cular一般作为名词使用,如在projection(投射 )、dimetric projection([计] 正二侧投影, 二轴侧投影)、direct projection(直接投影)等常见短语中出现较多。

dimetric projection[计] 正二侧投影, 二轴侧投影
direct projection直接投影
directional projection向投影
dual projection对偶投影
double projection双像投影;双重投影
eaves projection檐口出挑
eccentric projection[医] 牵涉性[感觉]投射
Eckert projectionun. 艾克尔特役影\n[网络] 爱凯特投影


1. Specifically, the clarity and projection of the altissimo range. (翻译:具体地说,可以影响高音区发音的清晰度和穿透力吗? )

2. An oblique projection is a sort of parallel one inclining to the projection plane. (翻译:斜投影是投影方向倾斜于投影面的一种平行投影。)

3. That 'sall projection. (翻译:这就是投射。)

4. Japan is not the only neighbour to be concerned by the projection of Chinese naval power. (翻译:日本不是唯一密切关注中国规划海军力量的国家。)

5. The use of a good contact print is superior to that of an anaglyphic projection. (翻译:使用好的晒印像片比使用互补色立体投影还好。)

6. Adoration is a projection of someone's need for you to be perfect onto you. (翻译:爱慕是一种 其他人将所有期望寄托于你, 想要你变得完美的情感。)

7. OK, this thing, this, uh, quantum integration to the physical properties of light projection, (翻译:这个东西 这个 光计划物理特质的 量子加速器)

8. Walk into a mirror, picture or painting. This is the same as VRP (virtual reality projection). (翻译:走进一面镜子、图画或画作。这与虚拟现实投射相同。)

9. The speckle projection correlation technique is used to measure the chip warpage. (翻译:本文采用投影散斑相关法对芯片翘曲度进行了测量。)

10. The projection of digital fabrication isn't a projection for the future; we are now in the PDP era. (翻译:而数字制造本身 并非就是未来。我们现在是在PDP的年代 )

11. The ordinary style of the curve projection equation and the formule of some kinds of the curve projection as well as the examples for its application are given. (翻译:给出了曲线投射方程关系的一般式,导出几种曲线投射的投影关系式并举例说明。)

12. The outlook does not represent projection of rate, occupancy or RevPAR growth. (翻译:该前景展望并不代表任何房价、入住率或每间可出租客房收入增长的预测。)

13. A small projection at the base of a basidiospore near its attachment to the sterigma. (翻译:位于担孢子基部连接担孢子梗的一种小附属物。)

14. Books on astral projection. (翻译:我要关于灵魂出窍的书 Books on astral projection.)

15. The projection screen in their media room was as big as the small ones at AMC. (翻译:她家视听室的投影银幕 就像电影院小银幕一样大)

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