prophetly是什么意思 prophetly的中文翻译、读音、例句

prophetly是什么意思 prophetly的中文翻译、读音、例句



例句:Well, meet The Prophet from Nebraska! (传达神的命令 大家快来参见来自内布拉斯加的先知!)


例句:I knew Lutherans tends to false prophets. (我知道路德和丁道尔 都是伪先知 I knew Lutheran and Tyndale,false prophet.)


1. I think Muhammad is a prophet. (翻译:阿里就是先知 你怎么可能打败他 I think Muhammad is a prophet.)

2. - Mighty fine table, Prophet. (翻译:多么漂亮的餐桌啊 牧师 谢谢 这是红木的)

3. He had acted heroical ly during the liner's evacuation. (翻译:他在班机撤退的期间表现得很英勇。)

4. You might have already heard Ly's legends at Mio. (翻译:大家可能都听说过 李仪龙在美奥时侯的传奇故事)

5. (translator) All this seemed ideal ground for a prophet to say: (翻译:所有这些都使之成为 一个先知最理想的环境来说:)

6. You are accused of continuing to teach the name of a false prophet. (翻译:你们被指控一直 You are accused of continuing 奉假先知的名教训人 to teach the name of a false prophet.)

7. The base of scion is cut diagonal ly to expose a large oval of cambium. (翻译:接穗的基部被切成斜形,暴露出椭圆形的大圈形成层。)

8. This man is a prophet of the Lord. (翻译:这个人是上帝的先知 {\3cH202020}This man is a prophet of the lord.)

9. Their daughter is quite plump but their son is positive ly elephantine. (翻译:他们的女儿很胖;可是儿子呢,简直像大象。)

10. But what went ye out for to see? A prophet? Yea, I say unto you, and much more than a prophet. (翻译:你们出去究竟是要看甚么.要看先知么.我告诉你们、是的、他比先知大多了。)

11. The word 'like' contains one morpheme but 'un-like-ly' contains three. (翻译:like一词含一个词素,而un-like-ly则含三个。)

12. This year, the 5th American Idol is new- ly-publicated. (翻译:今年第五季“美国偶像”新鲜出炉。)

13. Then Hananiah the prophet took the yoke from off the prophet Jeremiah's neck, and brake it. (翻译:于是,先知哈拿尼雅将先知耶利米颈项上的轭取下来,折断了。)

14. In the new mille ium, big girls only need a ly. (翻译:在新千年中,只有身强体壮的女孩儿才可去试一试。)

15. Not to mention arrogant. I mean, writing yourself into the story is one thing, but as a prophet? (翻译:更别说还很自负 {\3cH202020}Not to mention arrogant. 还写成个先知 {\3cH202020}But as a prophet?)

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