prophantis adusta是什么意思 prophantis adusta的中文翻译、读音、例句

prophantis adusta是什么意思 prophantis adusta的中文翻译、读音、例句

prophantis adusta在英语中代表"黄缘狭翅野螟"的意思,在英美地区还有"黄缘狭翅野螟"的意思,发音是[prophantisadusta],prophantis adusta常被用作名词,在《新英汉词典(第3版)》中,共找到17个与prophantis adusta相关的例句。

Prophantis adusta的词典翻译


例句:Ana DE Pro, chief financial officer. (首席财务官——ana de pro。)


prophantis adusta一般作为名词使用,如在myripristis adusta(焦黑锯鳞鱼;焦松毬;厚壳仔金鳞甲;铁甲;铁甲兵;澜公妾;铁线婆;大目仔)、russula adusta(烟色红菇)、xylorhiza adusta(纵条天牛;石梓蓑天牛)等常见短语中出现较多。

myripristis adusta焦黑锯鳞鱼;焦松毬;厚壳仔金鳞甲;铁甲;铁甲兵;澜公妾;铁线婆;大目仔
russula adusta烟色红菇
xylorhiza adusta纵条天牛;石梓蓑天牛


1. From the dust on these dials, (翻译:根据这些转盘上的灰尘 From the dust on these dials,)

2. Or, are you absolutely and uncompromisingly pro-war, pro-life, pro-death penalty, a believer that the Second Amendment is absolute, anti-immigrant and pro-business? (翻译:或者你是绝对完全毫无妥协地 支持战争,反堕胎,认可死刑, 坚信第二修正案至高无上, 反移民,认可重商主义? )

3. And -- and they filled the air with coal dust (翻译:空气中到处是煤炭的细尘 and - - and they filled the air with coal dust)

4. The moment that ceases to be true, and I will turn you to dust. (翻译:then I will turn you to dust.)

5. Melissa, your barista. A lot of angels, Dust. (翻译:Melissa,你的咖啡女仆 天使不少嘛,Dust)

6. - You gotta be a pro at that by now. (翻译:硂晾杠眎糒碞ㄓ摆 You gotta be a pro at that by now.)

7. Comrade Chen, in order to arrest pro-democrats (翻译:in order to arrest pro -democrats)

8. 5-80-pro times four, got about a dozen more in the car. (翻译:5 -80 -PRO次4,得到了约 十几个在车上。)

9. Dust-Keeper elbow flared up again. (翻译:她手肘又烧到了 Dust -Keeper elbow flared up again.)

10. As a reminder, our Pro Bowl guests are arriving today. (翻译:再提醒一次,今天参加Pro Bowl 的客人将会抵达)

11. Dust-keeping will change forever! (翻译:仙尘管理将从此改变 Dust -keeping will change forever!)

12. This dust belongs to Pixie Hollow. (翻译:这些仙尘是属于精灵谷的 This dust belongs to Pixie Hollow.)

13. All right, Maggie, dust off the obit packages for bin Laden. (翻译:dust off the obit packages for bin Laden.)

14. Out of pixie dust again, sug? (翻译:仙尘又用完了吗 小甜心 Out of pixie dust again, sug?)

15. We do not tamper with pixie dust. (翻译:我们不做篡改仙尘的事儿 We do not tamper with pixie dust.)

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