prostanoic是什么意思 prostanoic的中文翻译、读音、例句

prostanoic是什么意思 prostanoic的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:In 2000, the OIC found that the incident had been simply a mistake. (在xx年,独立检察官办公室发现这个意外只是一个过失。)

例句:Then Prost's car was found to be a fraction underweight, whereupon de Angelis was declared the winner. (随后普罗斯特的赛车被发现重量不足,于是阿格利斯被宣布为冠军。)


prostanoic一般作为名词使用,如在prostanoic acid([化] 前列腺烷酸)等常见短语中出现较多。

prostanoic acid[化] 前列腺烷酸


1. His OIC hasn't heard from him for a couple of days. (翻译:他的长官好几天没有他的消息了 【注: Officer in charge】)

2. A. 4,000 Euros for the gloves of Alain Prost. (翻译:Alain Prost的手套,4000欧元)

3. - If one day we must win the daughter of Alain Prost I will consider this option. (翻译:有机会去对付阿兰·普罗斯特女儿的话 -我会考虑这个提议 -很好)

4. Last week, quadruple world champion Prost said France's only formula one driver "begins to look at things in a negative way very quickly" . (翻译:上周,翻两番世界冠军普罗斯特表示,法国唯一的一级方程序车手“开始看待事物的负面影响非常快。”)

5. Even Ayrton Senna, Alain Prost , Nelson Piquet, or Jim Clark, they never won a race in their first F1 seasons. (翻译:就算是塞纳,普罗斯特,皮盖特,克拉克,他们从来没有在自己的第一个赛季中就获得冠军。)

6. A-OIC was the only surgeon capable of the exacting neural restructuring that Guri needed. (翻译:A-OIC是唯一一个能精确重建神经系统的外科机器人,而这正是古丽所需要的。)

7. But much of the initiative must come from OIC countries themselves, Naim said. (翻译:但是Naim说,这个项目的大部分应该来自OIC国家本身。)

8. August 8, 1982: Alain Prost and Ren Arnoux start from 2nd and3rd on the grid in Germany. (翻译:xx年xx月xx日:阿兰·普罗·斯特和雷尼阿尔努分别以第2和第3在德国起跑。)

9. The UN, the African Union, the Arab League, the OIC, and the EU all have important roles to play. (翻译:联合国、非洲联盟、阿拉伯联盟、斯兰会议组织及欧盟都可以发挥重要作用。)

10. It could be Senna and Prost all over again. (翻译:那有可能会是塞纳和普罗·斯特全部再来一遍。)

11. As they reached the start-finish line Prost jinked right and drew abreast. (翻译:当他们接近起止线时,普罗·斯特猛向右转,两辆车并排驶过了终点。)

12. Heidfeld made his Formula One debut in 2000 for the Prost team and went on to race for Sauber, Jordan, Williams and BMW Sauber. (翻译:海菲尔的xx年在普罗斯特车队开始了他的车子秀,随后为索伯,乔丹、威廉姆斯和宝马索伯参加比赛。)

13. The most common toast with beer is 'Prost! '('good health'). (翻译:最常见的祝酒词是祝你身体健康。)

14. Pan-OIC technology trade fairs are proposed as a way to improve links between technology, research and industry. (翻译:决议还提议建立泛OIC技术交易会,作为改善技术、研究和工业之间联系的一种方式。)

15. The geology of the surrounding areas of east China sea basin indicates that Marine environment: existed during middle-late Mesozoic era and late Palaecz - oic era. (翻译:东海盆地周边地质表明存在有中生代、古生代地层,并有过海相沉积环境。)

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