prostatic abscess是什么意思 prostatic abscess的中文翻译、读音、例句

prostatic abscess是什么意思 prostatic abscess的中文翻译、读音、例句

prostatic abscess的中文解释是"前列腺脓肿",其中文解释还有"前列腺脓肿"的意思,读音为[prostaticabscess],prostatic abscess来源于英语,在《郎文当代高级英语辞典》中,共找到37个与prostatic abscess相关的例句。

Prostatic abscess的词典翻译


例句:Just as we pierced her abscess sans nitrous oxide. (一脸不用一氧化二氮直接戳破她的脓包的表情.)


prostatic abscess一般作为名词使用,如在prostatic(前列腺的 )、prostatic adenocarcinoma([医]前列腺腺癌)、prostatic adenocarcinomas([医]前列腺腺癌\n(prostatic adenocarcinoma 的复数))等常见短语中出现较多。

prostatic adenocarcinoma[医]前列腺腺癌
prostatic adenocarcinomas[医]前列腺腺癌\n(prostatic adenocarcinoma 的复数)
prostatic adenoma前列腺腺瘤
prostatic bulb前列腺球
prostatic calculus[医] 前列腺石
prostatic cancer前列腺癌
prostatic capsule前列腺[纤维]囊
prostatic carcinoma前列腺癌


1. Now, I'll do a rectal examination for you to take the prostatic secretion for microscopic examination. (翻译:现在我给你做一个肛门检查,取点前列腺分泌液在显微镜下检查。)

2. Bilateral orbital cellulitis and right subperiosteal abscess formation as complications of rhinosinusitis were found. (翻译:检查后发现其患有双侧副鼻窦炎,并造成双侧眼窝蜂窝组织炎合并右侧骨膜下脓疡形成。)

3. President Siebert, I don't mean to be an alarmist, but difficulty initiating a urine stream could be a symptom of benign prostatic hyperplasia. (翻译:但是排尿困难可能是 but difficulty initiating a urine stream 良性前列腺增生的症状 could be a symptom of benign prostatic hyperplasia.)

4. This trichrome stain demonstrates the light blue connective tissue in the wall of an organizing cerebral abscess. (翻译:三色染色显示出亮蓝色的机化的脑脓肿壁的结缔组织。)

5. Hepatectomy for the treatment of AOSC complicated by liver abscess: report of 12 cases (翻译:肝切除治疗急性梗阻性化脓性胆管炎并发肝脓肿12例报告)

6. The common trunk and lateral venous plexuses are covered and concealed by the prostatic and endopelic fascia. (翻译:主干和侧支静脉丛被前列腺和盆内筋膜所覆盖。)

7. Ethmoid sinusitis is frequently complicated in children by orbital cellulitis and abscess. (翻译:筛窦炎在儿童中常并发眼眶蜂窝织炎及脓肿。)

8. The observation of tamsulosin for the treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia with different prostate volume (翻译:盐酸坦索罗辛治疗不同体积良性前列腺增生症的疗效观察)

9. ObjectiveTo investigate the immune defense ability of patients with amoebic liver abscess. (翻译:目的了解阿米巴肝脓肿患者机体的免疫防卫能力。)

10. Apoptosis induce effect of epristeride on benign prostatic hyperplasia model cells in vitro (翻译:爱普列特对良性前列腺增生体外细胞模型的凋亡诱导作用)

11. Conclusions: Laparoscopy in treating pelvic abscess is feasible for its safety, minimal invision. . . (翻译:结论:腹腔镜治疗盆腔脓肿,患者创伤小,康复快,是安全可行的。)

12. Objective to describe the technical detail and to evaluate the efficacy of aspiration in the treatment of otogenic brain abscess. (翻译:目的总结经乳突腔穿刺抽脓治疗耳源性脑脓肿的方法和效果。)

13. Objective: to evaluate efficacy of Tongguan Capsule on experimental benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), and to explore its mechanism. (翻译:目的:研究通关胶囊抗实验性BPH的作用效果及作用机理。)

14. Objective:The discussion hangs the line therapy to treat the babies and infants crissum abscess. (翻译:前言: 目的:探讨挂线疗法治疗婴幼儿肛周脓肿。)

15. Expression and significance of Ezrin in high grade prostatic intraepithelial neoplasm and prostate cancer (翻译:高分级前列腺上皮内瘤和前列腺癌中Ezrin的表达及意义)

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