protoindustrialization是什么意思 protoindustrialization的中文翻译、读音、例句

protoindustrialization是什么意思 protoindustrialization的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:Persia's earliest known kingdom was the proto- Elamite Empire, followed by the Medes; (波斯最早的王国是随着米底人而来的原始埃兰帝国。)

例句:In this way, providing some useful reference about RECO and Agricultural Industrialization for Anhui Province and our country. (以期对安徽省乃至我国农村经济合作组织及农业产业化提供有益的借鉴。)


例句:Ensuring a stable supply of energy has always been a challenge for Japan ,日本面临着一个很大的课题,那就是如何保证能源供应的稳定。)


1. Ensuring a stable supply of energy has always been a challenge for Japan , every since industrialization . (翻译,日本面临着一个很大的课题,那就是如何保证能源供应的稳定。)

2. Now there are three levels of self to consider -- the proto, the core and the autobiographical. (翻译:自我有三个层次 原始层,核心层,及自传层。)

3. Now there are three levels of self to consider -- the proto, the core and the autobiographical. (翻译:自我有三个层次 原始层,核心层,及自传层。)

4. If you think about it, Shakerism was a proto-environmental movement. (翻译:如果你想一想的话,震颤派宗教仪式是一种原始的环保运动。)

5. Conclusion: The mRNA overexpression of MET proto-oncogene is correlated with tumor differentiation in ESCC. (翻译:结论:MET原癌基因表达水平与食管鳞癌细胞分化相关。)

6. Animalcule Fermentation is the basis of bioengineering as well as modern biology technology and bioengineering industrialization. (翻译:微生物发酵是生物工程和现代生物技术及其产业化的基础。)

7. If you think about it, Shakerism was a proto-environmental movement. (翻译:如果你想一想的话,震颤派宗教仪式是一种原始的环保运动。)

8. And the research could be usefull for the industrialization of nano-MgO. (翻译:这对纳米氧化镁的工业化制备具有一定的参考价值。)

9. Then, with industrialization, everything started to become centralized. (翻译:之后工业化的兴起, 一切开始变得集中起来)

10. It was then that groups of English workers tride to prevent the industrialization of Britain by wrecking factories and machinery (翻译:那时候,许多英国企业工人都企图通过破坏工厂和机器阻止工业化进程)

11. The study provided a theoretical basis for the industrialization production of F. velutipes. (翻译:该研究为金针菇的工业化生产提供理论依据。)

12. Yangwu enterprises were the outcome of early Chinese industrialization. (翻译:洋务企业是近代中国早期工业化的产物。)

13. Basipetal differentiation is seen in the formation of proto-and metaxylem in the stem. (翻译:在茎原生木质部和次生木质部的形成过程中可以看到这种类型的分化。)

14. "officer standard" was dispelled by industrialization marketwise modernize of economic. (翻译:官本位现象的消除要靠经济的工业化、市场化、现代化。)

15. With developing of the technology, it is coming to the time of scale business and industrialization, and the SDBF will become escalation of rural energy. (翻译:能否使其成为农村能源的升级产品,关键在于SDBF规模化技术的解决程度。)

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