proudest是什么意思 proudest的中文翻译、读音、例句

proudest是什么意思 proudest的中文翻译、读音、例句







1. He is the proudest man on earth because he just became a father.(他是地球上最自豪的人,因为他刚刚成为了一位父亲。)

2. Winning the championship was the proudest moment of her life.(赢得锦标赛是她一生中最自豪的时刻。)

3. She was the proudest mom at the graduation ceremony.(她在毕业典礼上是最自豪的妈妈。)

4. The athlete held up his gold medal with the proudest smile on his face.(运动员露出最自豪的笑容,举起金牌。)

5. The proudest thing for me is to see my children grow up and succeed.(对我来说最自豪的事情就是看到我的孩子们成长和取得成功。)




1. This is one of my proudest moments in life. (这是我生命中最自豪的时刻之一。)

2. My parents were the proudest people in the audience. (我的父母是观众中最自豪的人。)

3. She felt her proudest achievement was finishing the marathon. (她认为自己最自豪的成就是完成了马拉松比赛。)




例句:Until the last of my days, my proudest boast will ever be that I was the wife of Freeborn John Lilburne. (这辈子,直到死,我最大的骄傲一直都会是,我是自由人约翰·利尔本的妻子。)


例句:Spano says his proudest accomplishment over the past 10 years has been to foster, nurture and record new work. (斯帕诺说,他过去xx年当中最值得骄傲的成就是培养、呵护和录制新作品。)


例句:For every American, this has to be the proudest day of our lives. (对于每个美国人,这是我们人生中最骄傲的一天)


例句:I mean, not my proudest moment, but it happened. Mmm. Man, this is good. (翻译:虽然我觉得并不光彩 但已经发生了 老兄 这真心不错 亲爱的)


1. For every American, this has to be the proudest day of our lives. (翻译:对于每个美国人,这是我们人生中最骄傲的一天)

2. I mean, not my proudest moment, but it happened. Mmm. Man, this is good. (翻译:虽然我觉得并不光彩 但已经发生了 老兄 这真心不错 亲爱的)

3. The proudest day of my life was when you turned legit, and you started your own business, and you got out of the life. (翻译:我一生最欣慰的一天就是你退出这个行当 从事合法营生)

4. Mine is one of the oldest and proudest families in Meereen. (翻译:矿是一种最古老和 最值得骄傲的家庭Meereen。)

5. It would be the proudest moment of my career if I could make something for you, Mr. Bond. (翻译:若我可以为你制造某东西 那将是我的荣幸)

6. However on the day you achieve your goal, you'll be able to face the world as Korea's proudest soldiers. (翻译:但当你们完成任务 你们便能以韩国最伟大战士的身份 傲视世界)

7. Of course not.Gaby,this is gonna be the proudest day of my life and I'm not sharing the spotlight with anyone. (翻译:当然不是 Gaby 这是我一生中最引以为豪的一天 我不想别人掺和进来)

8. Andrew Jackson's proudest moment was that unique one in American history when he paid off the national debt. (翻译:安德鲁·杰克逊最引以为傲的时刻就是他偿还了国家债务,这在美国历史上是绝无仅有的。)

9. I would personally like to welcome each and every one of you... to what I think will be Manchester's proudest year. (翻译:我要欢迎每一位 加入曼彻斯特最光荣的xx年)

10. Its proudest boast was that it had the biggest shipyard, the biggest dry-dock and the biggest crane in the world. (翻译:马尔默最为自豪的是,它拥有世界上最大的造船厂、最大的干船坞和最大的起重机。)

11. My debut against Canada was one of the proudest moments of my life. (翻译:我对加拿大的处子战是我一生中最值得骄傲的事情之一。)

12. One of my proudest possessions is a vintage 1977 Apple Two. (翻译:我最骄傲的就是 我那台xx年产的二代苹果机了)

13. When our band did our first tour, we traveled to Xiamen on the southern coast and one of my proudest moments came far from the stage. (翻译:我们的乐队第一次巡演时,到过中国南部沿海城市厦门,而在那里,最让我感到自豪的一个时刻并非出现在舞台上。)

14. The proudest animal under the sun, and the wisest animal under the sun, -- they have come out to reconnoitre. (翻译:天底下最自豪的动物,天底下最聪明的动物,——它们来探查了。)

15. Spano says his proudest accomplishment over the past 10 years has been to foster, nurture and record new work. (翻译:斯帕诺说,他过去xx年当中最值得骄傲的成就是培养、呵护和录制新作品。)



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