prurigo hiemalis是什么意思 prurigo hiemalis的中文翻译、读音、例句

prurigo hiemalis是什么意思 prurigo hiemalis的中文翻译、读音、例句

prurigo hiemalis的中文解释是"医",其次还有"冬令痒疹"的意思,单词读音音标为[prurigohiemalis],prurigo hiemalis是一个英语名词,在《英语汉语大辞典》中,共找到31个与prurigo hiemalis相关的例句。

Prurigo hiemalis的翻译


例句:Objective: To observe the efficacy of colchicine combined with low dosage prednisone in treatment of prurigo nodularis. (目的:研究秋水仙碱联合小剂量强的松治疗结节性痒疹的疗效。)


例句:DID you forget that this great man, this hero, this demigod, is attacked with a malady of the skin which worries him to death, prurigo? (您忘了这位伟人,这位英雄,这位半仙得了一种使他痒得要命的皮肤病吗? )


prurigo hiemalis一般作为名词使用,如在hiemalis([医] 冬令的)、prurigo(痒疹 )、erythrokeratolysis hiemalis(冬季红斑角质解离症)等常见短语中出现较多。

hiemalis[医] 冬令的
erythrokeratolysis hiemalis冬季红斑角质解离症
Gastrodia hiemalisn. 冬天麻
mucor hiemalis冻土毛霉
pruritus hiemalis[医] 冬令瘙痒
nodular prurigo结节性痒疹
prurigo aestivale夏季痒疹
prurigo aestivalis[医] 夏令痒疹


1. Efficacy of Colchicine Combined with Low Dosage Prednisone in Treatment of Prurigo Nodularis (翻译:秋水仙碱联合小剂量强的松治疗结节性痒疹的疗效观察更详细。)

2. Portland water can cure psoriasis, eczema, prurigo, such as inflammation. (翻译:硅酸盐水可治疗牛皮癣、湿疹、痒疹、炎症等。)

3. It has obvious cure effect to psoriasis nettle rash, prurigo and scabies. (翻译:对治疗牛皮癣、寻麻疹、痒疹、疥疮有明显疗效。)

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