psachna是什么意思 psachna的中文翻译、读音、例句

psachna是什么意思 psachna的中文翻译、读音、例句


1. 词性:Ψαχνά是希腊语的一个名词,单数形式为“Ψαχνό”.

2. 地理位置:Ψαχνά是希腊中部地区的一个小镇,位于欧瑞斯特斯山脉以西,距离雅典市区约90公里。

3. 科学名称:Ψαχνά也是一种昆虫的学名,属于鳞翅目,俗称“黄粉蝶”。

4. 民俗文化:Ψαχνά周围的山区和海边有着丰富的民俗文化,每年都会举办许多传统节日和庆典。

5. 名人故事:希腊神话中的英雄赫拉克勒斯曾在Ψαχνά地区完成了一系列的劳动和冒险。


1. Ψαχνά是一个宁静而美丽的小镇,吸引许多游客前来度假。

Psachna is a peaceful and beautiful town that attracts many tourists for vacation.

2. 黄粉蝶(Ψαχνά)是一种很常见的昆虫,生活在丘陵和山区。

The yellow butterfly (Ψαχνά) is a common insect that lives in hills and mountains.

3. 每年夏天,Ψαχνά都会举办传统的“卡斯扎尼”节日,吸引了许多人前来观赏。

Every summer, Psachna holds the traditional "Kasani" festival, attracting many people to come and watch.

4. 位于Ψαχνά的欧瑞斯特斯山脉是希腊境内最高的山脉之一。

The Oeta Mountains located in Psachna are one of the highest mountain ranges in Greece.

5. 赫拉克勒斯在完成自己的传奇之旅时曾到过Ψαχνά,留下了许多美丽的故事。

Hercules visited Psachna during his legendary journey, leaving behind many beautiful stories.




例句:(bar patrons) * Na na na na, hey, hey, hey Goodbye (我们走 ◎ Na na na na. Hey.)


例句:Black NA; mixed black and European NA; European NA; Syrian NA; Carib Amerindian NA (黑人;混杂的黑人和欧洲;欧洲;叙利亚;加勒比人和美国印第安人)


例句:When alkali cellulose is reacted with the sodium salt of chloroacetic acid, the sodium salt of the carboxymethyl ether (cellulose-O-CH2-CO2-Na +) is formed. (当碱性纤维素与盐酸的钠盐反应,羧甲基醚钠盐生成。)


psachna一般作为名词使用,如在Psachna([地名] 普萨赫纳 ( 希 ))等常见短语中出现较多。

Psachna[地名] 普萨赫纳 ( 希 )


1. When alkali cellulose is reacted with the sodium salt of chloroacetic acid, the sodium salt of the carboxymethyl ether (cellulose-O-CH2-CO2-Na +) is formed. (翻译:当碱性纤维素与盐酸的钠盐反应,羧甲基醚钠盐生成。)

2. Which is kind of the greatest antidrugs psa of all time. (翻译:这是怎么样的 最大的antidrugs PSA的所有时间。)

3. NA: Well the Yemen Times, across 20 years, has been through so much. (翻译:NA: xx年来《也门时报》 经历了许多跌宕起伏。)

4. Second is protein biomarkers, like PSA for prostate cancer. (翻译:第二是生物标记蛋白, 比如检测前列腺癌的前列腺特异抗原。)

5. If that is for Se Na's sake... but, what did Se Na say? (翻译:如果是为了世娜好 对了 世娜是怎么回答你的)

6. The content of NA decreases remarkably in CLF encephalopathy . (翻译:NA在大鼠CLF所致肝性脑病时明显下降。)

7. NA: Well the Yemen Times, across 20 years, has been through so much. (翻译:NA: xx年来《也门时报》 经历了许多跌宕起伏。)

8. * Na na na na... (* "Long. (翻译:Hey Goodbye ◎ 嘿,再相会 ◎ Na na na na...)

9. I'm on my way out. I received the results of your PSA test. (翻译:我正出来 我收到了 你的PSA检测的结果)

10. The technology of Sirospun is applied in reducing the PSA yarn hairiness in this study. (翻译:通过试验研究了赛络纺纱技术对芳砜纶纱线毛羽的减少情况。)

11. Only Se Na company chairman seems like give Se Na very big pressure. (翻译:只是世娜公司会长 好像给世娜很大的压力了)

12. {\cHFFFFFF}{\cH00FFFF} that your first duty {\cHFFFFFF}{\cH00FFFF} is to the Football League. (翻译:不过我要提醒你,巴斯比先生, 你的首要比赛还是英格兰甲级联赛)

13. NA-9 on the north side will be Robe Editor-in-Chief Erina Kawashima. (翻译:北边的NA -9 是《Robe》主编川岛爱莉奈)

14. And in order for the PSA to go down, they had to make big changes. (翻译:然后我想,嗯,也许他们只是PSA值改变了, )

15. Or has Hanjin been moved by PSA's sincerity? (翻译:还是韩进被港务集团的诚意所打动? )

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