pseudocurarine是什么意思 pseudocurarine的中文翻译、读音、例句

pseudocurarine是什么意思 pseudocurarine的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:I work for David Shane at the New York Courier. (我任职 《New Yo rk Co u r i e r》 戴维夏恩麾下)


1. Standard British, R-E. So, unless you're a pompous American, I would go with E-R. (翻译:标准英式拼法是RE 除非你是傲慢的美国人,我会用ER)

2. Elliot and Andre Demar, D-E-M-A-R. (翻译:- Elliot和Andre Demar D -E -M)

3. - A tumor sitting directly on top of the brain stem... that three E.R. doctors, two neurologists and a radiologist missed? (翻译:-一个直接长在脑细胞上的肿瘤... 那3个E. R.)

4. RACECAR has 2 R’s, 2 A’s, 2 C’s, and 1 E. (翻译:RACECAR 有两个 R、 两个 A、两个 C 和一个 E, )

5. Clear the results with CRTL-E and run the test with CRTL-R like before. (翻译:使用CRTL - E清理结果,并使用CRTL - r像之前那样运行测试。)

6. So I need a little respect. A little R-E-S-P-E-C-T. (翻译:所以你们得尊重我 z un 尊 zh ong 重)

7. It's little discrete -- that's spelled D-I-S-C-R-E-T-E -- bits. (翻译:分离的, 英语里边的串法是 D-I-S-C-R-E-T-E——小块 )

8. Hey, then look up this one 0.r.g.a.i.z.e (翻译:喂 查查这个 o r g a n i z e)

9. - So am I. Humerus. H-U-M-E-R-U-S. (翻译:humerus,H U M E R U S)

10. It says things like a stroke t, arm, las stroke mach... (翻译:A―E―R―I―M字毋 A -stroke -T, ARM, IAS)

11. While you were in the E.R., you treated a Howard Cooper. (翻译:当你还在急症室工作的时候 接待了一名名叫Howard Cooper的病人)

12. Raymond C W Sung. Jonathan R comey. Doug E R Clark Octree Based Assembly Sequence Generation. (翻译:张建标。魏生民。杨彭基基于割集的装配顺序生成方法。)

13. It's not for me. It's for Mr. Zhang. Jerry Zhang. (翻译:不是我订,是位张先生 J e r r y Z h a n g)

14. What you did in the e.R., you saved her life. (翻译:- 她都有自杀倾向了 Alex 你在急诊室时 已经救她一命了)

15. locked down the E.R., barricaded himself in, killed power in the elevators. (翻译:他锁住急诊室 把自己困在里面,关闭电梯电源)

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