pseudomelia是什么意思 pseudomelia的中文翻译、读音、例句

pseudomelia是什么意思 pseudomelia的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:OBJECTIVE To investigate the chemical constituents of Melia toosendan. (目的研究川楝子的化学成分。)


pseudomelia一般作为名词使用,如在Pseudomelia(肢幻觉症)、pseudomelia paraesthetica([医] 感觉异常性幻肢)等常见短语中出现较多。

pseudomelia paraesthetica[医] 感觉异常性幻肢


1. The pseudo-cleft sentence, as an important aspect of the information structure, is often neglected. (翻译:作为英语信息结构组成部分的假拟分裂句往往被人忽视。)

2. The first was that, when linking a file, pseudo helpfully unlinked any existing file of the same name. (翻译:第一选择是,在链接文件时,pseudo可以帮助具有相同名称的现有文件断开链接。)

3. And it turns out it's a pseudo-random number generator using deterministic chaos. (翻译:事实是,那些符号产生自确定性混沌---一个伪随机过程。)

4. But I've got a big problem with it, and the problem is this: It's a pseudo-religious point of view. (翻译:对其有个巨大的疑问, 问题是这样的: 这是一个伪宗教主义的看法。)

5. Pseudo-Volkmann's contracture due to tethering of flexor digitorum profundus (翻译:指深屈肌腱粘连致假性缺血性肌挛缩的临床分析)

6. If its pseudo trade where we are buying and not selling (翻译:如果那是我们只买不卖的虚假贸易 那就不妥)

7. With that, you don't need pseudo. (翻译:P2P合成制毒法 无色无味 能够解决制毒原料伪麻黄素的短缺问题)

8. Operation disallowed on smi pseudo table. (翻译:不允许操作假冒的表。)

9. It can also be localized and take on a pseudo-tumoral aspect. (翻译:它也可以被本地化,并采取对伪肿瘤方面的问题。)

10. To handle this, pseudo blocks certain signals when starting a wrapper, and unblocks them at the end of the wrapper. (翻译:为了处理该问题,pseudo在启动包装器时阻塞某些信号,并在包装器结束时解除阻塞。)

11. For example, the handler for ASPX pages is based on the following pseudo code. (翻译:例如,ASPX页面处理程序基于下列伪码。)

12. Melia tells not only an interesting, but an important story in the history of physics. (翻译:米利亚讲述的一个不仅仅是有趣的故事,更是一段重要的物理学历史。)

13. The name was a pseudonym, actually, or a pseudo-pseudonym. (翻译:作者是个匿名,实际上,或者是假的匿名者。)

14. The PRF is the "Pseudo-Random Function" that's also defined in the spec and is quite clever. (翻译:PRF是一个“伪随机数函数”,这个函数很聪明,在规约中也有定义。)

15. OBSERVATION: A 66 year-old patient presented with a pseudo-tumoral amyloidosis of the cavum. (翻译:观察:一个xx岁病人的伪肿瘤淀粉样变性的腔。)

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