例句:Ladies and gentlemen, my Co-E.P. Christopher Moltisanti (先生们,女士们 欢迎副制片人Christopher Moltisanti)
例句:My father wanted to marry the prettiest girl in town. (我父亲想娶镇上最美的女孩子 Mon père voulait marier la plus belle fille du pays.)
例句:How many times you wash out with E.P.A.? (至今无法符合排烟量的标准 环保局打了你九次回票)
1. How many times you wash out with E.P.A.? (翻译:至今无法符合排烟量的标准 环保局打了你九次回票)
2. PGE is demanding 90. In other words, everybody. (翻译:P G & E要求9 0 % 所以几乎要人人同意)
3. - I think Leroy made an E.M.P. gun. (翻译:- ぐ或狥﹁ - и粄Leroy籹硑рEMP箦)
4. This actually I think derives from a Greek word, "Synkope, " S-y-n-k-o-p-e, synkope. (翻译:这个术语我觉得来源于希腊语,Synkope,S-y-n-k-o-p-e )
5. Better than the Space-mountain, Santa Claus, (翻译:胜过过山车 圣诞圆舞曲 Le space -mountain, la ronde du Père -Noël,)
6. Thevillagesarethe ones that actually came to us, and, and A.U.P. and reportedthis I.E.D. (翻译:村庄是那些 这其实是我们的, 并且,与A,U,P,和 reportedthis I,E,D,)
7. PGE Corporate knew the water was bad there and did nothing about it. (翻译:P G & E总公司知道 辛克利的水质有问题 但却坐视不管)
8. The treatment for S.S.P.E. is intraventricular interferon. (翻译:治疗亚急性硬化性全脑炎用的是脑室内注入干扰素)
9. Tror du, at du er kvarterets styggeste? (翻译:你他妈的以为 你是这地面上最心狠手辣的?)
10. I just got an e-mail from the Belfast V.P. (翻译:我刚刚收到贝尔法斯特车队 二当家的电子邮件)
11. Gene Steers' P.E.T. scan results. (翻译:他们想和你谈谈吉恩? 斯蒂尔PET扫瞄的情况)
12. It must be taken deep into Mordor and cast back into the fiery chasm from whence it came. (翻译:一定要深入魔多 把魔戒丢到末日火山的烈焰中 p e o...)
13. My favorite subject is P.E. (翻译:我最喜欢体育课。)
14. Teligny, Beauvoix, Mornay, Du Bartas... (翻译:Teligny,Beauvoix,Mornay, Du Bartas...)
15. It's to Hinkley from PGE headquarters. (翻译:这是P G & E总公司 写给辛克利分公司的)