psorophthalmy是什么意思 psorophthalmy的中文翻译、读音、例句

psorophthalmy是什么意思 psorophthalmy的中文翻译、读音、例句



例句:Space-time anomalies and dinosaurs... it sound like someone's been overdoing the Playstation. (时空异常点和恐龙? 听上去就像是把PS做得太夸张了)


例句:Run su - postgres -c PSQL, and follow along in Listing 8. (运行su - postgres - c ps ql,并执行清单8中的命令。)


1. This concludes our tutorial, you can check my source PSD here. (翻译:我们的教程到此结束,你可以点击这里查看我的PS D源文件。)

2. The best quality comes from using the PS3's HDMI output. (翻译:PS3 的 HDMI 输出质量最好。)

3. Of course you could just convert any existing video file to play on your PSP. (翻译:当然你可以只是转换现有的视频文件在PS P上面播放。)

4. Pythagoras' theorem, Thal' theorem... I'll stop you there. (翻译:毕式定理... 泰利斯摩擦定律 先暂停一下)

5. To run ps, bash forks to create a new process; the new process reincarnates itself using execution, turning into a new instance of ps. (翻译:为了运行ps,bash会分叉,创建一个新进程;新进程通过使用执行,使其本身得以重生,转化为ps的一个新的实例。)

6. Next to Apollinaire and Max Ophuls. (翻译:挨着阿波利奈尔和马克斯? 奥菲尔斯 Next to Apollinaire and Max Ophüls.)

7. PS1 prompt: Waiting for the next command (翻译:$PS1 提示符:等待下一个命令 )

8. Pressure rating: 250 psig air. (翻译:压力等级:250 PS IG中的空气。)

9. However, the covariance decomposition of the PS has not previously been used to evaluate medical judgment. (翻译:然而,方差分解的PS以前未曾用于评价医疗判决。)

10. It is very complicated to judge errors and defects by means of PSC. (翻译:PS C中错误和缺陷的判定是一项很复杂的工作。)

11. By Total Gaming the word on the street is that Sony are looking to introduce a slimline PS3 in autumn. (翻译:总游戏街头词语的是,索尼正在寻求引进新产品PS 3的秋季。)

12. Check out the PSP Top 200, an online ranking directory of PSP sites. (翻译:查看PS p Top 200,一个在线的PS p站点排行目录。)

13. Next, to verify that the nweb server is running, use the ps command to check it (翻译:接下来,为验证nweb服务器正在运行,可使用ps命令来对它进行检查。)

14. I decided to test with my jailbreak pen, on entering on service mode, on my PS3 80GB and a 160GB slim of a friend, if it was possible. (翻译:我决定来测试我的越狱笔,进入服务模式,在我的PS380GB和160GB超薄一个朋友,如果有可能的。)

15. We'll really think about what psi means. (翻译:我们要想一想ps i真正的意义。)

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