psychical epidemic通常被翻译为"精神疫"的意思,在日常中也代表"精神性流行症"的意思,在线发音:[psychicalepidemic],psychical epidemic来源于英语,在《瓦里希英汉词典》中,共找到99个与psychical epidemic相关的句子。
Psychical epidemic的中文翻译
例句:Gregory Petsko on the coming neurological epidemic (Gregory Petsko:将要到来的神经流感)
例句:As I mentioned earlier, it's a huge epidemic with no treatment. (如前所述,这种大型流行病 尚无有效疗法。)
psychical epidemic一般作为名词使用,如在psychical(a. 精神的, 心理的, 灵魂的, 超自然现象的, 通灵的\nn. 巫师, 女巫, 精神上的现象, 超自然的现象)、epidemic(流行性的)、psychical blindness(精神性盲)等常见短语中出现较多。
psychical | a. 精神的, 心理的, 灵魂的, 超自然现象的, 通灵的\nn. 巫师, 女巫, 精神上的现象, 超自然的现象 |
epidemic | 流行性的 |
psychical blindness | 精神性盲 |
psychical communication | [网络] 心理沟通 |
psychical communications | [网络] 心理沟通\n(psychical communication 的复数) |
psychical degeneration | [医] 精神变质 |
psychical deliquium | 意识缺陷,神志缺陷 |
psychical depression | 精神抑郁 |
psychical determinism | 心理决定论 |
1. First thing tomorrow, I'm going up to London to interview the Psychical Research Society. (翻译:明天一大早 我就会去伦敦拜访心理研究协会)
2. This is about 1990, peak of the crack epidemic. (翻译:那大概是xx年--快克流行的巅峰时期。)
3. But this talk is going to be about understanding facts about the epidemic. (翻译:但这次的演讲是有关于理解疫情传播的实事 )
4. Objective To investigate the serotypes and resistance of Shigellae in epidemic season. (翻译:目的调查志贺菌在流行季节的主要血清型和耐药性。)
5. Study on Epidemic Law of Micromelalopha troglodyte in Shanghai (翻译:杨小舟蛾在上海地区的发生规律及其预测预报)
6. But this epidemic could quite easily spread to our base. (翻译:但是这个传染病可能 很容易就传染到我们的基地)
7. The epidemic nearly dispeopled the city. (翻译:这场传染病几乎使城市成为空城。)
8. Typhus epidemic amongst the cargo, slaves die on board, no insurance. (翻译:船上的人感染了斑疹伤寒症 奴隶死了 没有预防措施 Typhus epidemic amongst the cargo, slaves die on board, no insurance.)
9. And we have a terrible chlamydia epidemic -- terrible chlamydia epidemic which sticks around for many years. (翻译:有一种可怕的衣原体传染病 这种可怕的衣原体传染病持续多年)
10. A flu epidemic raged through Europe. (翻译:流感在整个欧洲肆虐。)
11. Ellen, this is an epidemic. (翻译:Ellen,这种事情会传染 Ellen, this is an epidemic.)
12. Objective in order to investigate the evolution of EHF epidemic regularity due to change of epidemic factor of EHF. (翻译:目的为了探明流行性出血热流行因素的变化,导致其流行规律演变。)
13. However, predicting the next potential epidemic is a major challenge. (翻译:然而,预测下一个潜在的流行病 是一项重大挑战。)
14. This was an epidemic of accounting control fraud led by the banks. (翻译:这就是银行主导的 大面积会计管理欺诈行为。)
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