psychical determinism的意思是"心理决定论",还有心理决定论的意思,发音是[psychicaldeterminism],在英语中以名词出现较多,在《英汉新词词典》中,共找到38个与psychical determinism相关的例句。
Psychical determinism的释义
例句:The first involves the fear that genetic determinism cheapens human volition. (第一类观点担心基因决定论将减弱人们的决心。)
psychical determinism一般作为名词使用,如在determinism(决定论 )、psychical(a. 精神的, 心理的, 灵魂的, 超自然现象的, 通灵的\nn. 巫师, 女巫, 精神上的现象, 超自然的现象)、ecological determinism(生态决定论)等常见短语中出现较多。
determinism | 决定论 |
psychical | a. 精神的, 心理的, 灵魂的, 超自然现象的, 通灵的\nn. 巫师, 女巫, 精神上的现象, 超自然的现象 |
ecological determinism | 生态决定论 |
economic determinism | [经] 经济决定论 |
environmental determinism | 环境决定论 |
educational determinism | 教育决定论 |
genetic determinism | 基因决定论 |
geographic determinism | 地理决定论 |
geographical determinism | 【人类学】地理决定论 |
1. Determinism says that occurrences in nature are causally decided by preceding events or natural laws, that everything leading up to this point has happened for a reason. (翻译:决定论说的是 自然界中所有即将发生的事... ...只是正在发生的事 或自然规律的必然结果 也就是说一切皆有原因)
2. First thing tomorrow, I'm going up to London to interview the Psychical Research Society. (翻译:明天一大早 我就会去伦敦拜访心理研究协会)
3. Climatic Determinism was intensely studied by Ellsworth Huntington. (翻译:埃尔斯沃斯·亨廷顿对气候决定论进行了深入的研究。)
4. If that Mr. Emsworth of the Psychical Research Society could see me... he'd have a fit, he would really. (翻译:如果心理研究协会的 埃姆斯沃思先生能看见我 他肯定会大吃一惊)
5. Along with this comes a fading of the egocentric self that is generating all of this psychical clutter. (翻译:随之而来自我中心的衰退,那引起了所有的这些心理上的杂乱。)
6. Marxist theory of productivity is not one of one-sided determinism, nor of " omnipotence of productivity" . (翻译:马克思主义生产力理论不是片面的决定论,也不是“生产力万能”论。)
7. I don't believe in historical determinism. (翻译:我不相信历史决定论。)
8. Well... he's got some interesting ideas about metaphysical determinism, and I think he's a Doris Day fan. (翻译:他在形而上学决定论方面挺有见解 我觉得他是Doris Day粉丝)
9. This is when the great minds of physics were grappling with the nature of determinism and what it means only to have a probability that a particle might be somewhere, and whether any of it was real. (翻译:当时物理学大师们正合力解决 决定论的本质问题, 试图搞清一个粒子 可能出现在某个地方的概率 到底意味着什么, 以及这是不是真实的。)
10. From the above, Marxist historical determinism is neither unscientific nor mechanical but a scientific causal determinism. (翻译:可见,马克思主义的历史决定论既不是非科学的宿命论,也不是机械的经济决定论,而是科学的因果决定论。)
11. The aim of the Scottish Institute for Psychical Research... is to evaluate the evidence for the paranormal under the strictest scientific conditions. (翻译:此次苏格兰院关于通灵试验的目的 是为了观察超自然的力量是否存在 在严谨科学条件的观测下)
12. A kind of right, non -disenchant, mo re dignified and free culture will be a kind non -alien, humanistic, free, pluralistic, anti -essential ist, non -determinism, and multi -cultural mixture. (翻译:一种健全的、非祛魅的、更多尊严和更多自主性的文化将是非异化的、人道的、自由的、多元的、反本质主义的、非决定论的多种文化形式的混合体。)
13. The first involves the fear that genetic determinism cheapens human volition. (翻译:首先,有人担心基因决定论会使人类意志力量的价值降低。)
14. The philosophical side of Marxism is called dialectical materialism; it emphasizes economic determinism. (翻译:哲学方面的马克思主义,是所谓的辩证唯物论,它强调经济决定论。)
15. Only economism and economic determinism are the unreasonable value ideas which push the economic importance to the extreme in theory and reality. (翻译:唯经济主义、经济决定论就是理论上和现实社会中把经济的重要性推向极端的非合理性价值理念。)