microcomputer database system是什么意思 microcomputer database system

microcomputer database system是什么意思 microcomputer database system

microcomputer database system在中文中有"微电脑资料库系统"的意思,其次还有"微电脑资料库系统"的意思,发音音标为[microcomputerdatabasesystem],microcomputer database system是一个英语名词,在《郎文当代中级英语辞典》中,共找到14个与microcomputer database system相关的例句。

Microcomputer database system的中文翻译


例句:[ indistinct conversations ] (- of the security system? - Yeah, I think so.)


microcomputer database system一般作为名词使用,如在microcomputer(微型计算机 )、database(数据库 )、distributed microcomputer(分布式微型计算机)等常见短语中出现较多。

distributed microcomputer分布式微型计算机
industrial microcomputer[计] 工业用微计算机
instrument microcomputer[计] 仪表用微计算机
microcomputer advantage微计算机优点
microcomputer application[计] 微型计算机应用
microcomputer applications微电脑应用
microcomputer architecture[计] 微型计算机体系结构
microcomputer assembler微电脑组译器


1. Construction Practice of Periodical Bibliographic Database in ILAS System (翻译:浅谈在ILAS系统中期刊书目数据库的建设与实践)

2. Many developers use a primitive form of logging: System. out. println and System. err. println. (翻译:许多开发人员使用一种原始格式进行日志记录:System.out.println和System.)

3. The article treats of the software of the dynamic weighbridge with microcomputer. (翻译:本文介绍了一种双台面微机动态轨道衡的新型软件。)

4. But, you know, you and Don... (翻译:- How would we ever build up that part of our immune system?)

5. The GetData delegate takes an object of type System.Array as an in parameter. (翻译:GetData这个委托把System.Array类型的一个对象作为参数。)

6. Open the database and reset the logs - alter database open resetlogs. (翻译:打开数据库并重新设置日志——alter database open resetlogs。)

7. Production Logistics System; Purchasing Management; Saling Logistics System; System Performance Evaluation; (翻译:生产物流系统;采购物流;销售物流;系统绩效评价;)

8. I put him into our database of over 170 countries. (翻译:ирκ瓣产计沮畐 I put him into our database of over 170 countries.)

9. If all else fails, I can always comment out the System. out. println calls. (翻译:如果有什么没通过,我总是可以注释掉System.out.println调用。)

10. The database is still down. (翻译:数据库仍然不能用 The database is still down.)

11. System functions include data querying data, maintaining database, printing, backuping and restoring database, users management. (翻译:系统功能包括数据查询、数据库数据维护、打印、备份和恢复、用户管理; )

12. Its hardware architecture is a multiprocessor, consisting of one microcomputer and four TRANSPUTERs. (翻译:其硬件结构是由一台微机和四台TRANSPUTER组成的多机系统。)

13. Maybe he hacked the database. (翻译:也许是他黑了数据库 Maybe he hacked the database.)

14. We got a hit off the database? (翻译:资料有突破了? We got a hit off the database?)

15. NDBMS will be a CODASYL type database as opposed to a relational database. It is NOT a network management database. (翻译:NDBMS将会是一个CODASYL类型的数据库,他反对使用关系型数据库,他不是一个网络管理数据库。)

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