pugnosed是什么意思 pugnosed的中文翻译、读音、例句

pugnosed是什么意思 pugnosed的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:Pug said haltingly "If it makes you sad, that's different, but I am interested. " (帕格吞吞吐吐地说:“如果说起来使你伤心,那就算了,不过我倒是很感兴趣。”)


1. I had to marry my pug-faced cousin to keep power in the family. (翻译:为了保持家族的力量 我不得不娶我那个狗脸的表妹)

2. NW: So this is from this animal right here, Greater Spot-Nosed Guenon. (翻译:内森.沃尔夫:所以就是从这里的这个动物开始的, 也就是大斑鼻猴。)

3. Two broad nosed caimans were sent to a zoo in the nearby city of Niteroi. (翻译:去年,两头宽吻凯门鳄被送到了尼泰罗伊附近的动物园。)

4. You know, Pug, my head may still roll for that press conference I gave, but by God, it worked. (翻译:我说,帕格, 我弄的那个记者见面会现在还让我头痛 不过好在它还真起作用了)

5. While the strong grow weaker and leave, these snot-nosed kids get more courageous. (翻译:强壮的人变得懦弱 并且离开了... 而这些被轻视的孩子 却变得更加勇敢)

6. You'd never expect that of Pug Henry, would you? (翻译:你绝没想到帕格・亨利会有这么一面 是不是?)

7. Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer 'is an example of apposition. (翻译:红鼻驯鹿鲁道夫和红鼻子驯鹿是同位语最好的例子。)

8. I just like the image of a Vietnamese guy in a priest's outfit with a snub-nosed .44. (翻译:我只是很喜欢这个形象 一个越南人穿着一套牧师的衣服手握一把snub -nosed .)

9. Dearest Pug, I cried when I read your offer to forget my letter and go on as before. (翻译:最亲爱的帕格,你信里提议 忘掉我的那封信 咱们两个重新开始 读到这段的时候我哭了)

10. Got a lot of hard-nosed, well motivated folks here. (翻译:于是就有很多野心勃勃 又很有毅力的人来到这里)

11. You nosed your way into this like you do everything. (翻译:是你自己死活跟着进来的 做什么都要插上一脚)

12. Good Lord, Palmer, you're getting as bad as Pug. (翻译:哦,老天,帕尔默 你现在简直和帕格一样坏了)

13. The couple doted on the pug dogs they kept. (翻译:这对夫妇很溺爱他们养的哈巴狗。)

14. Call big-nosed Cui and fairy great (翻译:叫大鼻崔、神仙赞 {\cH00FFFF}{\3cH000000}Call big -nosed Cui and fairy great)

15. I wondered what else he'd taken and nosed around his bureau. (翻译:我想知道他还拿走了什么,就探查了他的办事处。)

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