pulling technique是什么意思 pulling technique的中文翻译、读音、例句

pulling technique是什么意思 pulling technique的中文翻译、读音、例句

pulling technique在英语中代表"拉单晶技术"的意思,作为名词时有"计"的意思,在线发音:[pullingtechnique],pulling technique常被用作名词,在《汉语英语翻译词典》中,共找到53个与pulling technique相关的句子。

Pulling technique的翻译


例句:The wheel is pulling to the left. (方向盘正在向左打。)


例句:Pulling your fat out of the fryer, apparently. (很明显 让你说实话 Pulling your fat out of the fryer, apparently.)


pulling technique一般作为名词使用,如在flux pulling technique(助熔剂提拉法)、horizontal pulling technique(水平拉晶技术)、pulling([计] 拉单晶的)等常见短语中出现较多。

flux pulling technique助熔剂提拉法
horizontal pulling technique水平拉晶技术
pulling[计] 拉单晶的
pulling atvi. 用力拉;大口喝
pulling for划桨向某地前进;划向;打气,鼓劲
pulling inna. 使后退;节省(费用);(火车等)到站;船靠近(海岸)
pulling intoun. 停车;进
pulling onna. 戴(手套)\n[网络] 很快地穿上;载上
pulling to[网络] 我们的手拉到


1. What are you, a kid pulling pranks? (翻译:哎 天下无敌的吴承民 到底这是在做什么啊)

2. When I did cotton on to his technique, there was the election. (翻译:我直到选举来临才摸透了他的战术 When I did cotton on to his technique, there was the election.)

3. The Mom-bad-news train is pulling in. (翻译:妈妈牌坏消息火车驾到! 嘟嘟! The Mom bad news Train is pulling in!)

4. On more aggressive interrogation technique (翻译:采取更严酷的审讯手段 on more aggressive interrogation technique --)

5. Your technique ... is ... magnificent! (翻译:你切了我的脖子听那种 声音太糟了 切断脖子)

6. Right now, by me not pulling this trigger, is that a mistake? (翻译:现在我不扣扳机 Right now, by me not pulling this trigger, 是不是个错误? is that a mistake?)

7. There might not be a next year for you, you keep pulling stunts like this. (翻译:你这样搞下去 就可能没有明年了 There might not be a next year for you, you keep pulling stunts Iike this.)

8. Absurdly basic, neuro-linguistic programming technique. (翻译:荒谬的基础神经语言学技巧 Absurdly basic, neuro -linguistic programming technique.)

9. # Only you have that magic technique (翻译:∮ Only you have that magic technique)

11. Is she capable of pulling off what happened this morning? (翻译:她有能力做出今天早上发生的那些事吗? is she capable of pulling off what happened this morning?)

12. You're pulling rank on me? (翻译:You pulling rank on me? 你在跟我摆架子?)

13. Sir, Dave is pulling ahead. (翻译:长官 戴夫已经遥遥领先 我们的飞机太沉了 Sir, Dave is pulling ahead.)

14. When Elias was inside, he had somebody pulling strings on the outside. (翻译:he had somebody pulling strings on the outside.)

15. Yeah, I heard that you were good at pulling names and other details. (翻译:我听说你很擅长预知 Yeah, I heard that you were good 人名和其它细节 at pulling names and other details.)

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