pupa contigua是什么意思 pupa contigua的中文翻译、读音、例句

pupa contigua是什么意思 pupa contigua的中文翻译、读音、例句

pupa contigua通常被翻译为"胸缢蛹"的意思,还经常被翻译为带蛹,发音音标为[pupacontigua],pupa contigua是一个英语名词,在《新英汉词典(第3版)》中,共找到35个与pupa contigua相关的句子。

Pupa contigua的翻译


例句:Then there's Pupa, which is just a quick, non-feeding transitional phase. (然后它会变成蛹,这是一个短暂的不进食过渡状态。)


例句:The insect stows tomorrow in the egg and the pupa. The surge is almost over and life begins to relax. (昆虫则将明天寄托于自己的卵蛹之中,高潮已经过去,生命开始了休养生息。)


pupa contigua一般作为名词使用,如在pupa(蛹 )、Diphylax contigua(n. 长苞尖药兰)、prosaptia contigua(穴子蕨)等常见短语中出现较多。

Diphylax contiguan. 长苞尖药兰
prosaptia contigua穴子蕨
psammocora contigua连续沙珊瑚
dried pupa干蛹
exarate pupa[昆] 离蛹
free pupa离蛹
guarded pupa护蛹
hemiexarate pupa半裸茧型蛹


1. We're gonna take these pupa, and we're gonna get them infected with this disease, and then we're gonna cure them all. (翻译:我们要去把这些 蛹, 而我们要去让他们 感染了这种病, 然后我们要去治愈 他们所有。)

2. The fireflies that do well will change into pupa (翻译:只有在寒冷水里 不断努力生存的幼虫 才能够在春天在土里成蛹)

3. And in fact, this technology has gotten so developed that this creature -- this is a moth -- this is the moth in its pupa stage, and that's when they put the wires in and they put in the computer technology, so that when the moth actually emerges as a moth, it is already prewired. (翻译:实际上,这项技术已经如此发达 以至于这生物-- 这是个蛾。这是蛾的蛹期, 这也是他们设置天线 和电脑技术的时期。所以当这蛾变成蛾的时候, 它已经被埋入天线好了。)

4. In general, larva having the lowest survival rate was the main fatal stage during group rearing following by prepupa and pupa. (翻译:集体饲育以幼虫期之死亡率最高,为主要死亡时段,前蛹期次之,蛹期最低。)

5. When they reach full size, they attach to a leaf by their tail, and a pupa is formed. (翻译:当它们长到最大尺寸时,它们用尾部附着在树叶上,蛹就形成了。)

6. What is the machete? What pupa stage are you in now? (翻译:那把弯刀代表什么?你现在出于哪个孕育阶段? )

7. Zoc, I see a young pupa, a human learning our ways becoming part of this colony, becoming an ant. (翻译:佐克 我看到的是一只年轻的小蚂蚁 在学习我们的生活方式 他正在变成我们中的一员 变成一只真正的蚂蚁)

8. Investigations in Shanghai reveal that three generation of euonymus geometer occur inthe course of a year, with the pupa surviving the winter underground. (翻译:大叶黄杨尺蠖在上海xx年发生三代,但在室内饲育可完成四代,以蛹在土中越冬。)

9. In general, larva having the lowest survival rate was the main fatal stage during group rearing following by prepupa and pupa. (翻译:集体饲育以幼虫期之死亡率最高,为主要死亡时段,前蛹期次之,蛹期最低。)

10. Objective To explore the clinical features of tussah pupa encephalopathy. (翻译:目的探讨柞蚕蛹性脑病的临床特征。)

11. The medium mainly containing rice and the pupa of silkworm was used to cultivate the sporocarp of Cordyceps militaris. (翻译:采用以大米、蚕蛹为主原料的培养基培养蛹虫草子实体。)

12. When they reach full size, they attach to a leaf by their tail, and a pupa is formed. (翻译:当它们长到正常尺寸时,他们用尾部附着在树叶上形成蛹。)

13. Lectins in haemolymph of Sarcophaga peregrina larvae and pupa were purified by affinity chromatography. (翻译:用亲和层析法纯化了棕尾别麻蝇幼虫和蛹血淋巴凝集素。)

14. And in fact, this technology has gotten so developed that this creature -- this is a moth -- this is the moth in its pupa stage, and that's when they put the wires in and they put in the computer technology, so that when the moth actually emerges as a moth, it is already prewired. (翻译:实际上,这项技术已经如此发达 以至于这生物-- 这是个蛾。这是蛾的蛹期, 这也是他们设置天线 和电脑技术的时期。所以当这蛾变成蛾的时候, 它已经被埋入天线好了。)

15. In spring, to change into pupa, the larva dig into the mud (翻译:这个... 萤火虫到了春天 会离开河川到陆地 钻到土地里头 然后成为蛹)

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