例句:Purple was the royal color of the Caesars. (紫色是凯撒年夜帝的皇家色系。)
1. She was dressed in purple. (翻译:她穿一身紫色衣裳。)
2. I go right for the purple. (翻译:我扑向紫色生活版块 I go right for the purple.)
3. Nectarine, apricot, and mango have a large pit in the middle. (翻译:油桃、杏子和芒果的中间有一个大果核。)
4. I need a growth medium, and someone polished off the apricot yogurt. (翻译:用酸橙果冻? 我需要个培养基 还需要个人来刮杏仁酸乳酪)
5. "He has a sheer blanket of purple. (翻译:#他有一件干净的紫色袍子# He has a sheer blanket of purple.)
6. Here we draw a purple hat. (翻译:我们在这里画一顶紫色帽子 Here we draw a purple hat.)
7. They even took the Apricot Twisters! (翻译:他们甚至还拿走了杏味胶皮糖! )
8. I have an apricot belly, want to see? (翻译
9. OBJECTIVE: To optimize the extraction process of amygdalin in apricot kernel. (翻译:目的:研究苦杏仁中有效成分苦杏仁苷的最佳提取条件。)
10. Penny meant if he were a purple leprechaun. (翻译:佩妮是假设费曼是紫色妖精 Penny meant if he were a purple leprechaun.)
11. You guys don't like Apricot Twisters? (翻译:你们不喜欢杏味胶皮糖吗? )
12. We've made half-a-billion impressions with marketing and PR for this brand, Purple Moon. (翻译:我们让半亿人对我们有了印象, 通过为Purple Moon品牌的市场推广营销。)
13. Purple equals fast-flying talent! (翻译:紫色代表快速飞翔的天赋 Purple equals fast -flying talent!)
14. He also created the "plumcot" . a fruit that is half plum and half apricot; (翻译:他还创造出一种“李子杏”,这是一种一半是李子味一半是杏味的水果;)
15. Not that purple. The other purple. (翻译:不是这个紫色的 另一个紫色的 那个紫色的 Not that purple.)