puring vat是什么意思 puring vat的中文翻译、读音、例句

puring vat是什么意思 puring vat的中文翻译、读音、例句

puring vat在英语中代表"脱灰桶"的意思,其次还有"鞣瓮"的意思,读音为[puringvat],puring vat来源于英语,在《实用全新英汉双解大词典》中,共找到67个与puring vat相关的例句。

Puring vat的翻译


例句:The blue vat dye obtained until about 1900 entirely from some species of the indigo plant. (直到大约xx年,蓝色还原染料都是从靛蓝植物中提取的。)


例句:[on tape] This is Bridget Jones reporting from a big vat of excrement. ([磁带上] 这是布莉琪 琼斯 从一个大大的屎坑报导)


puring vat一般作为名词使用,如在dip vat(浸渍桶)、dipping vat(药浴池)、dissolving vat(溶解瓮)等常见短语中出现较多。

dip vat浸渍桶
dipping vat药浴池
dissolving vat溶解瓮
draining vat洗浆槽
dressing vat鞣制瓮
dye vat染缸\n[化] 染色瓮
farm vat收奶槽,牛奶贮放槽
fermentation vat发酵池
filter vat过滤桶


1. My uncle works at the foundry, he'll dump the teeth in the chrome plating vat. (翻译:我叔叔Joe在铸造厂工作 他可以把牙齿放进镀铬槽里毁掉)

2. The workers merely threw the stale buns into a vat, added water and flour, and repackaged them to be sold anew. (翻译:他们仅仅是把过期的馒头扔进大桶里,再添加水和面粉做出新的馒头,然后重新包装再出售。)

3. So we opened this place. And this is a vat that we fill with treasures that students dig in. (翻译:于是我们装修完以后就开张了。看,这是一个大盆子 我们把一些小礼物放到里面去,孩子来了,就去那里找礼物。)

4. The overflow of the fish vat seems to have been blocked. Get a repairman. (翻译:鱼缸的溢流管好像被堵住了.赶快叫一个修理工。)

5. Sina Guang found a stone near the vat, and he lifted the stone very high and threw it towards the vat. (翻译:司马光在缸旁看见一块石头,他高高地举起那块石头朝水缸砸了过去!)

6. Last month, by contrast, VAT remained at 15%, petrol prices stayed put and retailers discounted much less than a year earlier. (翻译:相反,上个月的价值增值税维持在15%,汽油价格不升不降,零售商打的折扣也比去年少很多。)

7. Over him stood an executioner with a saber in his hand, and every five minutes he went "swish" with his saber over the vat! (翻译:他们上面站一个持刀的刽子手 每5分钟刽子手就会挥刀 嗖嗖地从大桶上方砍过!)

8. VAT fraud, in which tax is charged as part of a transaction but not surrendered to any government, has long been a problem in the market. (翻译:增值税欺诈一直是该市场的一个问题,它是指税赋已经作为交易的一部分征收,但并未向任何政府上缴。)

9. A bunch of Mexicans... sitting around this big wooden vat chewing on agave, right? (翻译:你是怎么回事 和这样一个女人 待在这里 还是这种姿势)

10. And I have a case of VAT 69 hidden in your footlocker. (翻译:我有一箱Vat 69威士忌还藏在你的柜子里呢)

11. Just get a big old vat of gravy and pour it out the helicopter. There you go. (翻译:用个直升机,拿一个破大缸装肉汁,泼下去。)

12. Do you think there's a soul in Savannah that doesn't know you left my side in the middle of the night to wallow in a vat of whiskey? (翻译:你觉得萨凡纳还有人 不知道你大半夜把我扔在一边 跑去狂饮威士忌吗)

13. NIX: Oh, I have every confidence in my scrounging abilities. And I have a case of Vat 69 hidden in your footlocker. (翻译:噢,我对自己乞讨的能力还是蛮有信心的,何况我还在你的箱子里藏了那么多上好的维特酒。)

14. The VAT man, your 69 returns. (翻译:提税的 来提您的69号 什么? The VAT man, your 69 returns.)

15. Level move is realized by the co-operation of oil vat, handspike and synchronizer. (翻译:平行移动是由液压油缸推动,通过推动轴承传到推杆、同步盘,并相互配合实现的; )

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