例句:For the building or for us? (For the building or for us?)
例句:- What about the rest of us? (- What about the rest of us?)
1. - Yep, are you coming with us? (翻译:are you coming with us?)
2. A localized collection of pus in part of the body, formed by tissue disintegration and surrounded by an inflamed area. (翻译:脓肿,脓疡身体的一部分因组织损坏而形成的局部脓肿,被四周发炎部位围绕。)
3. All right, well, give us a minute to pack up and then zap us there. (翻译:give us a minute to pack up and then zap us there.)
4. Rarely pericardial effusion can be caused by infection and consist of pus. (翻译:心包积液也能由感染引起,所积液体为脓液,但很罕见。)
5. Psoriatic arthritis, unusual points, pus this type, erythrodermic. (翻译:银屑病分寻常型、关节病型、脓庖型、红皮病型。)
6. Some of us will dream it forever (翻译:Some of us will dream it forever)
7. It whimpers , and drool the color of pus drips from its lips and forms a puddle at her feet . (翻译:它抽噎地哭泣,以及从嘴巴滴下浓汁般颜色的口水在她的脚边形成了一个水坑。)
8. Everyone told us and told us and told us... (翻译:大家都在说啊说啊说啊 Everyone told us and told us and told us...)
9. - They call us babes in arms (翻译:- They call us babes in arms)
10. Are the infected among us? (翻译:Are the infected among us?)
11. In February 2012 they are going to celebrate the 300th anniversary of Tula Arms. (翻译:在xx年xx月人们将会庆祝图拉兵工厂建成300周年。)
12. In Russia niello work is known as Tula work. (翻译:在俄国,黑金镶嵌制品被称为图拉工艺品。)
13. Acne with a clean cotton swab to clean and squeeze until the pus out of transparency. (翻译:用干净的棉花棒将痘痘挤压干净,直到挤出透明的脓水。)
14. ought to wash pudenda and hand via commonly used soap, be not kneaded with the hand that takes pus brushes. (翻译:应当经常用肥皂清洗阴部和手,不要用带脓汁的手去揉擦眼睛。)
15. - They think they must direct us (翻译:- They think they must direct us)