master patent是什么意思 master patent的中文翻译、读音、例句

master patent是什么意思 master patent的中文翻译、读音、例句

master patent的意思是"专利",其中文解释还有"主专利"的意思,在线读音是[masterpatent],master patent常被用作名词,在《汉语英语翻译词典》中,共找到30个与master patent相关的例句。

Master patent的释义


例句:The device was protected by patent. (这一装置受专利保护。)


例句:One of the major problems with patent law is that, in the case that when you are sued by a patent troll, the burden of proof that you did not infringe on the patent is actually on the defendant, which means you have to prove that you do not infringe on the patent they're suing you on. (专利法的一个大问题就是 当你被一个“专利钓鱼者”起诉的时候 被告有义务证明自己 没有侵权 这意味着你不得不自证 你并没有侵犯他们在起诉中提到的那个专利 )


master patent一般作为名词使用,如在doubie Master(马斯特氏双倍二阶梯试验)、Kong the Master([网络] 孔师傅)、Master Cube([网络] 主立方体)等常见短语中出现较多。

doubie Master马斯特氏双倍二阶梯试验
Kong the Master[网络] 孔师傅
Master Cube[网络] 主立方体
Master Cubes[网络] 主立方体
Master Fund主要基金(主基金)\n母基金
Master Gunner【军事】 (炮兵中管理射击设备的)射击助理员
Master in Business[网络] 商科硕士专业
Master Notes[网络] 票据;主要债券
Master of Architecture[网络] 建筑学硕士;建筑硕士;建筑学硕士学位
Master of Arts文学硕士, 文科硕士


1. Master Holbein. The man's a genius. (翻译:荷尔拜因大师 Master Holbein.)

2. Same idea Marconi used for his patent several years later. (翻译:几年之后马可尼用了专利中的几处相同概念 Same idea marconi used for his patent several years later.)

3. Track Master, what a filly. (翻译:Track Master, 多好的匹小母马啊 !)

4. The backlogged patent and Trademark Office can take up to four years to approve a patent application. (翻译:积压了大量申请的专利商标局需要长达xx年的时间才能审批完一项专利申请。)

5. You might be able to patent the process for mining the gold, but you can't patent the gold itself. (翻译:你或许可以为 采集黄金的流程申请专利, 但你不能为黄金本身申请专利。)

6. Let's applaud, Master Kwan has something to say (翻译:Master Kwan has something to say)

7. Master Wooley, did you hear? (翻译:乌利先生 你听见吗 开战了 Master Wooley, did you hear? War!)

8. You were supposed to bring an offering for the Master. (翻译:你本应带供品给主人 You were supposed to bring an offering for the Master.)

9. Master, send a cup of tea for the gentleman? (翻译:伙计,能给这位先生来杯茶吗 Master, send a cup of tea for the gentleman?)

10. And it's Track Master, Mighty Hera... (翻译:接著是 Track Master, Mighty Hera...)

11. But, Master, you promised me. (翻译:可是 主人 你答应我的 But, Master, you promised me.)

12. But since Master Kwan is here to help me (翻译:但现在有关二哥显灵帮我 But since Master Kwan is here to heIp me)

13. In that case, I wanna come back as a ThighMaster. (翻译:I wanna come back as a Thigh Master.)

14. The Patent Office pended the settlement of a patent application. (翻译:专利局搁置了一项专利申请。)

15. Patent right itself does not contain patentees rights of carrying out patent technology. (翻译:专利权本身并不包括专利权人实施专利技术的权利。)

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