pyodermia是什么意思 pyodermia的中文翻译、读音、例句

pyodermia是什么意思 pyodermia的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:Eine Telefonkarte zu 20 Euro oder zu 30 Euro? (您要20欧元还是30欧元的电话卡? )


例句:You can give us your money or (我们从你的钱包里借钱 Wir können uns Geld aus deiner Brieftasche leihen, 或者 oder)


pyodermia一般作为名词使用,如在primaru pyodermia([医] 原发性脓皮病)、secondary pyodermia([医] 继发性脓皮病)、ulcerative pyodermia([医] 溃疡性脓皮病)等常见短语中出现较多。

primaru pyodermia[医] 原发性脓皮病
secondary pyodermia[医] 继发性脓皮病
ulcerative pyodermia[医] 溃疡性脓皮病


1. - What was that? - No, Mia. (翻译:{\r\fnArial\fs16\1cHFF8080})

2. The next step is to run the actual code_recognizer. py program. (翻译:下一步是运行实际的code_recognizer.py程序。)

3. Mamma Maria, mia Santa, Santa Mia Farrow... (翻译:咪呀Mamma Maria的,圣诞老人,圣诞老人米亚・法罗...)

4. Mia, no town, no city, no country... can function peacefully... if its officers and its transportation engineers... don't follow the letter of the law. (翻译:Mia 没有一个乡镇 城市 国家... Mia, no town, no city, no country...)

5. Listing 12. setuptools script. (翻译:清单12 . setuptools setup . py脚本。)

6. Objective: In oder to evaluate the antiinflammatory and detumescent effects of Shangjin Liniment(SJL) on osteoarthritis. (翻译:目的:观察伤筋擦剂对骨性关节炎的抗炎、消肿作用。)

7. Lab results come back, blood doesn't belong to Mia Dos Santos. (翻译:实验室结果出来后 血迹却不属于Mia Dos Santos)

8. Mamma mia, here I go again (翻译:Mamma mia, here I go again)

9. Her decision tonight will affect the queen, the court... and all the people of this small but proud country. (翻译:掌握在年轻的Mia Thermopolis手中 is in the hands of young Mia Thermopolis.)

10. Yeah, like a 1963 brunette Mia Farrow. (翻译:像xx年褐色头发的Mia Farrow)

11. It's all due to gas that has no color and no oder. (翻译:这是一种没有味道和颜色的气体。)

12. Download exif-py and place the file in your SRC directory. (翻译:下载exif - py并将exif . py文件放置到您的src目录中。)

13. Can I have this money oder cashed? (翻译:我可以在这兑现汇款单吗? )

14. Mia told Clarisse her mother would be bringing her. (翻译:你该去接Mia公主了吗? Should you be going to get Princess Mia?)

15. ♪ ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ♪ (翻译:掰掰 饺子 Mia 白水 阿飘 时间轴: 猫小七 媛艺 校对:)

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