pyrocatechol violet是什么意思 pyrocatechol violet的中文翻译、读音、例句

pyrocatechol violet是什么意思 pyrocatechol violet的中文翻译、读音、例句

pyrocatechol violet的中文解释是"邻苯二酚紫",在英美地区还有"化"的意思,在线读音是[pyrocatecholviolet],pyrocatechol violet是一个英语名词,在《学生实用英汉双解大词典》中,共找到19个与pyrocatechol violet相关的例句。

Pyrocatechol violet的翻译


例句:Two months ago Violet ran into them, and they locked her in a dumpster. (2个月前 六übern他们不见了方式 并且他们有 锁定在一个垃圾箱。)


例句:And other little ones, like the Swan Bath and the Violet Bath. (对呀 也有好多好多小澡堂呢 例如天鹅型的澡堂 三色紫丁香澡堂...)


pyrocatechol violet一般作为名词使用,如在pyrocatechol(n. [化]焦儿茶酚,邻苯二酚)、isobutylene pyrocatechol(异丁烯邻苯二酚)、methyl pyrocatechol(甲基焦儿茶酚,甲基邻苯二酚)等常见短语中出现较多。

pyrocatecholn. [化]焦儿茶酚,邻苯二酚
isobutylene pyrocatechol异丁烯邻苯二酚
methyl pyrocatechol甲基焦儿茶酚,甲基邻苯二酚
pyrocatechol monomethyl ether儿茶酚单甲醚
dioxazine violet二【口+咢】【口+井】紫
dog violet[医]犬堇菜
dogtooth violet犬齿赤莲
English violet[网络] 英格兰紫罗兰


1. violet fragrance... This velvety texture going down... (翻译:这种优雅的紫罗兰香味以及天鹅绒般温润的口感)

2. Oof, if Violet could see this she would not approve! (翻译:如果老太太Violet看到这幅场景一定不会赞同的。)

3. Will Violet always be a blueberry? (翻译:紫罗兰要永远当蓝莓吗? Will violet always be a blueberry?)

4. Red and violet are at opposite ends of the spectrum. (翻译:红色和紫色位于光谱的两端。)

5. Violet, this philanthropic gesture of yours is admirable, but a bit too much (翻译:奥维莱特,你这种博爱的态度 是令人敬佩的, 但是有点过分了)

6. The pink, the blue and the violet true (翻译:# 粉色 蓝色和罗兰的紫 # # The pink, the blue and the violet true #)

7. Next up we have a young lady named Violet Sanford. (翻译:下一位是位叫做怀奥莱特山佛德 的年轻小姐.)

8. Colou: intense red colour with violet hues. (翻译:色泽:呈深红色,带紫罗兰光泽。)

9. Violet and I had other business to attend to that night... and I sort of lost track of the time. (翻译:Violet和我那晚有其他的事情要做 而我似乎与时间脱了轨)

10. There are no interruptions, just a band flowing from violet to green, and to yellow. (翻译:中间没有中断的迹象,就是一条色带,从紫色过渡到绿色再到黄色。)

11. Violet, this is Lyndsey Morgan from the Bowery Ballroom. (翻译:怀奥莱特,我是 Bowety 舞厅的琳西摩根.)

12. But whatever they did put in the kid, Violet, it's killing him. (翻译:但是不管他们在这个孩子体内放了什么 紫罗兰,它正在杀死他)

13. But malibu has the wind, violet. (翻译:但马里布的风很赞 薇雅莱特 But Malibu has the wind, Violet.)

14. Kiss little Frankie for me, and pinch Violet's cheek. (翻译:替我亲亲Frankie,捏捏Violet的脸)

15. Cyril and Bertha Clipper. Hans Graysmark Bill and Violet. (翻译:这是西里尔先生 伯莎女士 汉斯·盖斯马克先生和他的妻子维奥利特夫人)

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