qi blockage是什么意思 qi blockage的中文翻译、读音、例句

qi blockage是什么意思 qi blockage的中文翻译、读音、例句

qi blockage在英语中代表"气闭"的意思,其次还有"气闭"的意思,单词读音音标为[qiblockage],qi blockage是一个英语名词,在《牛津英汉双解词典》中,共找到59个与qi blockage相关的句子。

Qi blockage的释义


例句:We appreciate teacher Kou, LI and Qi for Wang Hanyi! (衷心感谢寇老师、李老师、齐老师对王瀚谊的关爱! )


qi blockage一般作为名词使用,如在blockage(封锁 )、qi(abbr. 质量指标(Quality index))、filth blockage([制冷] 脏堵)等常见短语中出现较多。

qiabbr. 质量指标(Quality index)
filth blockage[制冷] 脏堵
flow blockage动阻塞
greasy blockage[机] 油堵
ice blockage冻住
intestinal blockage肠道阻塞
naval blockage[网络] 海上封锁
paraffin blockage蜡堵


1. This blockage causes the fibroid muscle cells to degenerate and form scar tissue, thus shrinking the fibroid. (翻译:这种堵塞会导致子宫肌瘤平滑肌细胞退化,形成疤痕组织,从而缩小肌瘤。)

2. Overflow incontinence is often caused by a blockage or obstruction to your bladder. (翻译:溢出性尿失禁往往造成的阻塞或阻碍你的膀胱。)

3. The logical treatment is to remove this blockage. (翻译:合理的处理方法是清除这种堵塞物。)

4. - At Siruiying Elementary I was Teacher Qi. (翻译:武六就是容不得别人在她面前吹牛撒谎 我也只能眼巴巴地看着她们)

5. Conclusion: Among the complex syndrome types, stagnancy of qi and blood stasis, retention of dampness and stagnation of qi were most common. (翻译:结论:中医小肠病复合证型中,气滞血瘀证、湿阻气滞证较常见。)

6. The influence of invigorating qi and ascending qi collapse on cardiac output and nerve incretion of mouse with chronic viral myocarditis (翻译:益气升陷法对慢性病毒性心肌炎小鼠心排血量及神经内分泌影响的研究)

7. If the charkas are not functioning properly, if there is a blockage somewhere, then the energy cannot penetrate. (翻译:如果轮穴不能恰当地发挥作用,如果轮穴的某处存在某种障碍,那么能量就无法成功穿越过去。)

8. Nearby of the dragon Qi, convert Long Qi's substitute already in her heart and insensibly. (翻译:身边的这个龙琦,已经在她的心中,不知不觉地成了龙琦的替身。)

9. Access the femoral artery Thread the catheter to the heart Inject dye, then open up the blockage. (翻译:从股动脉进入 心脏插入导管 染色 然后打开栓塞)

10. Less blockage, fewer busies and less frustration. (翻译:少阻塞、少繁忙和少呼叫失败。)

11. What happens after you have the heart attack, this blockage? (翻译:在它心脏病发作时血管堵塞后又会发生什么呢? )

12. Chinchillas are often voracious chewers, and any ingested plastic can cause blockage in the intestines. (翻译:龙猫往往是贪婪的嚼,吃进任何塑料都有可能会导致阻塞肠道。)

13. You take in more carbon dioxide and experience a small blockage of your airway. (翻译:你呼入更多的二氧化碳 并且经历呼吸通道的微微堵塞。)

14. What happens after you have the heart attack, this blockage? (翻译:在它心脏病发作时血管堵塞后又会发生什么呢?)

15. Probably a blockage in the l.A.D. He's ready for an angioplasty. (翻译:也许是左前降支栓塞 已准备好做血管成形术了)

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