qiongzhou strait是什么意思 qiongzhou strait的中文翻译、读音、例句

qiongzhou strait是什么意思 qiongzhou strait的中文翻译、读音、例句

qiongzhou strait的意思是"琼州海崃",作为名词时有"琼州海崃"的意思,发音音标为[qiongzhoustrait],qiongzhou strait常被用作名词,在《英英汉-英英汉词典》中,共找到94个与qiongzhou strait相关的例句。

Qiongzhou strait的释义


例句:We spilled 25,000 barrels of oil into the Strait of Hormuz, by Iraq. (我们在伊拉克那边的霍尔木兹海峡泄漏了25000桶石油。)


qiongzhou strait一般作为名词使用,如在qiongzhou([网络] 周琼)、strait(海峡 )、dividing strait([网络] 分水海峡)等常见短语中出现较多。

qiongzhou[网络] 周琼
dividing strait[网络] 分水海峡
English Strait[地名] 英吉利海峡 ( 南极洲 )
Etolin Strait[地名] 埃托林海峡 ( 美 )
Euripus Strait[网络] 尤里普斯海峡;埃夫里普海峡
Fildes Strait[地名] 法尔兹海峡 ( 南极洲 )
Florida Strait佛罗里达海峡(佛罗里达半岛南端与南部的古巴岛和东南部的巴哈马群岛间的海峡,沟通大西洋和墨西哥湾)
Georgia Strait[网络] 乔治亚海峡;乔治海峡;乔治海峡报


1. Following the signing of the ECFA, cross strait financial cooperation has marched into a new era. (翻译:两岸金融合作随著ECFA签订,已迈入了一个崭新的纪元。)

2. There will be no rush to judgment on the Iran issue, no reimposing of sanctions, no Fifth Fleet steaming into the Straight of Hormuz. (翻译:在伊朗问题上不必急于定论 There will be no rush to judgment on the Iran issue, 不必重新施加制裁 no reimposing of sanctions, 第五舰队不必驶入霍尔木兹海峡 no Fifth Fleet steaming into the Strait of Hormuz.)

3. When Ezo was still called Hokkaido, they planned to dig a tunnel under the Tsugaru Strait. (翻译:那个时候虾夷还被叫做北海道,是这个国家的一部分 好像有在津轻海峡之下挖掘隧道的计划)

4. The Akashi Strait is an international waterway and required a 1500 meter wide lane. (翻译:明石海峡是个国际航海峡,要求有1500米的通航宽度。)

5. A cargo ship plies the Strait of Georgia off Vancouver, British Columbia. (翻译:一艘货船驶离不列颠哥伦比亚省的温哥华,正在行驶在格鲁吉亚海峡中。)

6. Across the Cook Strait, South Island looks more formidable. (翻译:库克海峡另一边,南岛看上去更加令人心生敬畏。)

7. Ferries ply across a narrow strait to the island. (翻译:渡船定时穿越狭窄的海峡驶向海岛。)

8. Our ship is cleaving her way through the strait. (翻译:我们的船正乘风破浪通过海峡。)

9. These settlers crossed the Bering Strait to America by means of a land bridge. (翻译:这些迁居者通过一条大陆桥穿越白令海峡到达美洲。)

10. Haitan Strait is a south-north and long restricted channel strait, tidal wave in the strait belongs to progressive wave. (翻译:海坛海峡为南北狭长型海峡,海峡内潮波属于前进波。)

11. The Formosa Strait between Taiwan and the mainland. (翻译:{\fn方正黑体简体\fs18\b1\bord1\shad1\3cH2F2F2F}台湾海峡 分隔台湾与大陆的台湾海峡)

12. Gentoo penguins stand tall on an ice-capped island in Gerlache Strait, Antarctica. (翻译:在南极洲杰拉许海峡,巴布亚企鹅登上了雪山之巅。)

13. The city spreads out across various peninsulas surrounding Tamaki Strait and other bays and inlets. (翻译:这座城市延伸至众多围绕Tamaki海峡和其他海湾的半岛。)

14. And sandy beaches may return to the Elwha's delta in the Juan DE Fuca Strait. (翻译:胡安德福卡海峡的爱尔华三角洲或许会沙滩重现。)

15. Most of the pirate attacks off the coast of Somalia or in the Malacca Strait involve oil tankers that are ransomed. (翻译:索马里海岸线附近以及马六甲海峡的大多数海盗袭击都与劫持油轮、索要赎金有关。)

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