qiao是什么意思 qiao的中文翻译、读音、例句

qiao是什么意思 qiao的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 发音:'qiao'的发音为/kjaʊ/,读音与英文单词"cow"的尾音相似。


2. 定义: 'qiao'可以用作名词,表示桥梁的意思。

例句:The ancient 'qiao' in this region still stands today. 这个地区的古代桥梁今天仍然耸立着。

3. 缩写: 'QIAO'也是一种缩写词,代表的是"Quality In, Amazing Out",用于描述高品质的产品和服务。

例句:Our company's slogan is QIAO. 我们公司的口号是QIAO。

4. 同音异义词: 'Qiao'和'翘'是同音异义词,常常会被误解为同一个词。

例句:The pronunciation of 'qiao' and 'qiao' is the same, but they have different meanings. 'qiao'和'qiao'的发音相同,但它们的意思不同。

5. 用法,可以在句子中作为主语或者宾语。

例句:The 'qiao' in the middle of the river is very old. 河中的'qiao'非常古老。

例句:The bridge 'qiao' connects the two sides of the river. 桥'qiao'连接了河的两岸。




1. 这座桥很古老,已经有上百年的历史了。(This bridge is very old and has a history of over a hundred years.)

2. 她站在桥上,欣赏着河水的流动。(She stood on the bridge, enjoying the flow of the river.)




例句:This is online map of the address "Wang Wu Qiao Xiang Xie Zhuang , Zhengyang County, Zhumadian City, Henan Province, China" . (这是地址“中国河南省驻马店市正阳县王勿桥乡谢庄”匹配的在线电子地图。)


例句:This is online map of the address "Xin Dian Pu Zhen Qiao Zhuang Cun , Xinye County, Nanyang City, Henan Province, China" . (这是地址“中国河南省南阳市新野县新甸铺镇乔庄村”匹配的在线电子地图。)


例句:This is online map of the address "Ba Li Qiao Xiang Zhai Kou Cun , Luonan County, Shangluo City, Shaanxi Province, China" . (这是地址“中国陕西省商洛市洛南县八里桥乡窄口村”匹配的在线电子地图。)


例句:Ask Tie Qiao San not to come to this town again or he'll lose face once again (翻译:叫你们的铁桥三不再要来这个镇了 要是再来还不是再丢一次脸)


qiao一般作为名词使用,如在Zheng Qiao(郑樵)等常见短语中出现较多。

Zheng Qiao郑樵


1. This is online map of the address "Ba Li Qiao Xiang Zhai Kou Cun , Luonan County, Shangluo City, Shaanxi Province, China" . (翻译:这是地址“中国陕西省商洛市洛南县八里桥乡窄口村”匹配的在线电子地图。)

2. Ask Tie Qiao San not to come to this town again or he'll lose face once again (翻译:叫你们的铁桥三不再要来这个镇了 要是再来还不是再丢一次脸)

3. This is online map of the address "Xin Qiao Zhen Chan Keng Cun Qu Dou , Zhangping City, Longyan Shi, Fujian Province, China" . (翻译:这是地址“中国福建省龙岩市漳平市新桥镇产坑村曲斗”匹配的在线电子地图。)

4. This is online map of the address "Chuan Shan He Xiang Zi Sheng Qiao Cun , Shimen County, Changde City, Hunan Province, China" . (翻译:这是地址“中国湖南省常德市石门县穿山河乡自生桥村”匹配的在线电子地图。)

5. This is online map of the address "Xiao Jia Qiao Xiang Xiao Jia Qiao Cun , Yuanling County, Huai Hua City, Hunan Province, China" . (翻译:这是地址“中国湖南省怀化市沅陵县肖家桥乡肖家桥村”匹配的在线电子地图。)

6. This is online map of the address "Wu Shi Da Qiao Xiang , Ganluo County, Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture, Sichuan Province, China" . (翻译:这是地址“中国四川省凉山彝族自治州甘洛县乌史大桥乡”匹配的在线电子地图。)

7. This is online map of the address "Xin Qiao Zhen Mai Yuan Cun Qi Yi Lu , Zhangping City, Longyan Shi, Fujian Province, China" . (翻译:这是地址“中国福建省龙岩市漳平市新桥镇麦元村七一路”匹配的在线电子地图。)

8. This is online map of the address "Qiao Run Ban Shi Chu Cheng Jiao Xu , Yanggu County, Liaocheng City, Shandong Province, China" . (翻译:这是地址“中国山东省聊城市阳谷县乔润办事处城角徐”匹配的在线电子地图。)

9. Wind -- Li Qiao Untie late fall leaves Bloom early spring buds Cross rivers billows heave Bow bamboos in scuds ---By Rhapsodia . (翻译:李峤解落三秋叶,能开xx月花。过江千尺浪,入竹万竿斜。)

10. Liu Qiao'er, a young girl in the country, tried hard to fight gainst the feudal custom, and . . . (翻译:讲述了农村少女刘巧儿反对封建包办婚姻,争取婚姻自由的故事。)

11. You go to your Yangguan Dao, I have had my Naihe Qiao. (翻译:你走你的阳关道,我过我的奈何桥。)

12. The elderly to essence dry when, with Yin Yang Qiao for law, discipline can be filled over the years of a confrontation. (翻译:老年人若到精气干涸之时,用阴跷种阳之法,对峙修炼可填补积年之亏本。)

13. Gina, 49 kilos, Qiao, 55 kilos. 104 in all. (翻译:吉娜重49公斤,乔重55公斤 一共104公斤)

14. Hong Qiao was the market for children's watches. (翻译:虹桥市场有许多儿童手表出售。)

15. With its rapid development, Moog has moving to a new facility in Wai Gao Qiao Area in early 2007. (翻译:由于发展迅猛,穆格已于二零零xx年初迁入外高桥地区建设的新厂房。)



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