quackademics是什么意思 quackademics的中文翻译、读音、例句

quackademics是什么意思 quackademics的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:Electron microprobe study of Cs minerals in the Yashan topaz-lepidolite granite, Jiangxi Province (江西雅山黄玉锂云母花岗岩中铯矿物的电子探针研究)


例句:Oh, that's a Demi Moore, John Grisham movie. Yeah. (哦 是Demi Moore演的 John Grisham写的剧本)


1. Vee times tee equals Vee sub zero times ee exponent negative Cee sub five tee. (翻译:v倍的t等于V 0倍的e的负cs乘t次方。)

2. "Hey, everybody Walt suddenly decided to invest in laser tag. (翻译:嘿 大伙儿 Walt突然决定要投资激光CS 毫无缘由的)

3. Octanoic acid (with cheese taste) was only detected in 98-cs-341 wine. 8. (翻译:辛酸具有奶酪味,仅在98 - CS - 341葡萄酒中被检出。)

4. EcoWinForm. cs is a specialized WinForm that works directly with the objects on the EcoSpace. (翻译:cs是一个专门负责直接使用EcoSpace上的对象的WinForm。)

5. From what Mama said he was another cheap quack like Hardy. (翻译:听妈妈说过,他是又一个像 哈代那样的可鄙的江湖骗子)

6. Lest you think I exaggerate, here are the beginnings of the A-B-Cs of anthropology. (翻译:也许你会认为我是夸大其词 那咱们先看看人类学的ABC )

7. This year has been tough for singer and actress Demi Lovato. (翻译:今年对于已经成为歌手和演员的黛米来说十分艰难。)

8. If you quack like them and you walk like them, what would you be? (翻译:如果你走路 叫唤都学鸭子 你还能是什么呢)

9. "Demand" and "quantity demanded" are two different concepts in Economi cs. (翻译:需求和需求量是经济学中两个不同的概念。)

10. It's 3.8 miles to the bridge. (翻译:Silence CS小明漫画家 圈圈 离桥还有3.8英里)

11. I am a duck Quack quack . (翻译:我是一只鸭子,嘎嘎。)

12. If you open up MainWindow. designer. cs, you'll now see two more properties in there (翻译:如果你打开MainWindow.designer.cs,在其中会到两个属性)

13. Great performances by Kevin Spacey, Zachary Quinto, Paul Bettany, and even Demi Moore. (翻译:凯文·史派西、扎克瑞·昆图、保罗·贝坦尼,甚至连黛咪·摩尔都有上佳表现。)

14. Sixth, no guarantor, your cs request will be sent to waiting namelist. (翻译:第六条没有获得担保的其他审批人员,将进入滞留名单。)

15. They're catching up to the quack doctor, Whitejack! (翻译:已经逐渐逼近了目前排在首位的庸医 白杰克)

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