quarrelled with是什么意思 quarrelled with的中文翻译、读音、例句

quarrelled with是什么意思 quarrelled with的中文翻译、读音、例句

quarrelled with的意思是"和…争论",其次还有"和…争论"的意思,在线发音:[quarrelledwith],quarrelled with在英语中经常以名词形式出现,在《新英汉汉英词典》中,共找到97个与quarrelled with相关的例句。

Quarrelled with的词典翻译


例句:They were engaged to be married but they quarrelled so often that they decided to call it a day. (他们本已订婚,但因经常吵架,便决定还是中断关系。)


quarrelled with一般作为名词使用,如在quarrelled(vi. 争辩, 争吵(quarrel的过去式与过去分词形式))等常见短语中出现较多。

quarrelledvi. 争辩, 争吵(quarrel的过去式与过去分词形式)


1. That he and I never quarrelled is testament to his extraordinary good temper and sweetness of nature. (翻译:得益于马克不凡的好脾气和性格的随和,我们从来没有吵过架。)

2. She quarrelled with her brother over their father's will. (翻译:她和弟弟因父亲遗嘱的事起了争执。)

3. You used to go and see him often, and you haven't quarrelled. (翻译:你以前经常去看他 你们又没有反目 他在抱怨?)

4. At one point we quarrelled, over something silly. (翻译:有一次,我们为了一件愚蠢的事争论起来。)

5. Mr. Green quarrelled with his wife last night . He said she seemed to enjoy washing their dirty linen in public . (翻译:格林先生昨晚同他的太太吵了一架。他说他太太好像把在公众场合谈论家里的私事作为一种乐趣。)

6. That night Johnny Preston and Chandler quarrelled. People heard. (翻译:那一晚约翰尼·普雷斯顿 和钱德勒吵起来 大家都听到了)

7. One day he had quarrelled with Frank, and after that she had to meet her lover secretly. (翻译:有一天父亲和弗兰克吵了一架,从那以后她只得偷偷和情人见面。)

8. We quarrelled, and she said, while all the girls could hear... (翻译:我们吵架 她就说 所有女生都听到了...)

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