quasi monoenergetic neutrons是什么意思 quasi monoenergetic neutrons的中

quasi monoenergetic neutrons是什么意思 quasi monoenergetic neutrons的中

quasi monoenergetic neutrons在中文中有"单能中子"的意思,其中文解释还有"单能中子"的意思,单词读音音标为[quasimonoenergeticneutrons],quasi monoenergetic neutrons在英语中经常以名词形式出现,在《大课标百科词典》中,共找到83个与quasi monoenergetic neutrons相关的句子。

Quasi monoenergetic neutrons的释义


例句:Alternatively, a means might be found to put the neutrons from pure deuterium fusion to good use. (作为可替代的一种方法也许被创建用于从单纯的氘聚变中取得中子为了有效的使用。)


quasi monoenergetic neutrons一般作为名词使用,如在monoenergetic neutrons(单能中子)、monoenergetic(a. 单色的;单能的)、neutrons(n. 中子( neutron的复数形式 ))等常见短语中出现较多。

monoenergetic neutrons单能中子
monoenergetica. 单色的;单能的
neutronsn. 中子( neutron的复数形式 )
quasia. 类似的, 准的\n[经] 半, 准; 类似的
monoenergetic beam[核] 单能束
monoenergetic electron单能量电子
monoenergetic electrons单能电子
monoenergetic emission单能发射
monoenergetic neutron单能能中子


1. For severely anisotropic rocks, the quasi-shear waves exhibit complex directionality, with cusps . (翻译:在严重的各向异性岩石中,准剪切波有复杂的方向特性,并有歧点。)

2. Ultimately ending up with a group of thermalized neutrons that also have a certain probability of leakage from the reactor. (翻译:最后得到的是一群的热化的,中子,那也有一定的,从反应堆中泄露的可能性。)

3. So you have what's called the xenon pit, and so some of these fission products love neutrons. (翻译:所以我们有一种叫做氙坑的东西, 这些裂变产物中的某些很喜欢中子, )

4. In chapter two we first define left quasi-dual bimodules. (翻译:在第二章中我们首先定义了左拟对偶双边模。)

5. All particles which are together with the neutrons and protons are called baryons. (翻译:所有与中子、质子放在一起的粒子统称为重子。)

6. Followed by lachrymal, quasi-pious invocations of the Bill of Rights, the Constitution, the meaning of democracy. . . (翻译:其次泪,半虔诚调用的权利,宪法法案,民主的含义…)

7. Even the neutrons and protons have smaller particles inside of them known as quarks. (翻译:而在中子和质子里我们也能发现更小的粒子--夸克)

8. Neutrons and protons are bound together in the nucleus of an atom. (翻译:在一个原子的核内,中子和质子聚合在一起。)

9. The researchers used fast neutrons to irradiate mouse embryos between the blastocyst stage and the beginning of somite formation. (翻译:研究人员用快中子照射在胚泡期和体节形成开始之间的小鼠胚胎。)

10. Donnelly called for a "quasi-permanent American garrison in Iraq" to protect these interests. (翻译:他呼吁用类似永久性的驻军驻扎在伊拉克,以保护美在伊的利益。)

11. In the center of the atom is something called the nucleus, which contains protons and neutrons, and on the outside, you'd see electrons. (翻译:其中包含着质子和中子, 外围的是电子。)

12. Scientists call them baryonic matters, as protons and neutrons are called baryons in sub-atomic particles. (翻译:科学家们把它们称为“重子物质”,因为质子和中子在亚原子粒子中被称为“重子”。)

13. The quasi-geoid computed by geopotential model is fitted with the quasi-geoid measured by GPS leveling. (翻译:将地球位模型计算的阜新似大地水准面拟合于GPS水准实测的似大地水准面。)

14. The nucleus has more secrets to reveal, as it contains protons and neutrons. (翻译:原子核有更多的秘密需要被发现, 它包含了光子和中子。)

15. The quarks, these pink things, are the things that make up protons and neutrons that make up the atomic nuclei in your body. (翻译:夸克,这些粉色的东西,是构成质子和中子的粒子 质子和中子组成你身体里的原子核)

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