micrometeorite penetration是什么意思 micrometeorite penetration的中文翻译、

micrometeorite penetration是什么意思 micrometeorite penetration的中文翻译、

micrometeorite penetration的意思是"微陨星穿透",其中文解释还有"微陨星穿透"的意思,单词读音音标为[ˌmaɪkrəʊˈmi:ti:əˌraɪt],micrometeorite penetration常被用作名词,在《郎文当代中级英语辞典》中,共找到58个与micrometeorite penetration相关的例句。

Micrometeorite penetration的中文翻译


例句:Looking closer, we can see that this mushroom is very gentle in its penetration. (仔细看的话, 我们可以看到这种菌的 渗透是非常温柔的 )


micrometeorite penetration一般作为名词使用,如在micrometeorite(n. 微小陨石)、micrometeorite activity(微陨星活动性)、micrometeorite detection(微陨星探测)等常见短语中出现较多。

micrometeoriten. 微小陨石
micrometeorite activity微陨星活动性
micrometeorite detection微陨星探测
micrometeorite infall微陨石降落
micrometeorite shielding微流星防护
duct penetration[核] 管道穿透
double penetration[网络] 双插;双根渗透;双重穿透
economic penetration经济渗透
draught penetration透风


1. So play and enjoy them but no erection and no penetration and the anxiety will disappear. (翻译:因此好好地享受它们 但是,不要勃起 也不要刺入阴道 这样焦虑症状自然就会消失)

2. The defensive wounds to the bones of her hands suggest that it wasn't until the third or the fourth penetration... (翻译:她手部骨头上的自卫伤 表示她一直还在坚持 直到被捅到第3或者第4下...)

3. The differences in the penetration mechanism between cuspidal and blunt projectiles are studied. (翻译:研究了尖头、钝头弹在侵彻机理上的差异。)

4. The varied weld penetration depths of austenic stainless steel in A-TIG welding are studied. (翻译:采用活性化焊剂TIG焊接方法研究了奥氏体不锈钢焊缝熔深的变化。)

5. And would you describe your findings as being conclusive with forced penetration? (翻译:能否请你说明你的发现... 为何能当成强迫性交的确切证据?)

6. The toxicologic property, safety, synthesis and the property, enhancing drug penetration as well as uses of laurocapram are introduced. (翻译:介绍月桂氮酮的合成、促进药物透皮吸收的作用、毒理、安全性和用途。)

7. We report a case of small intestine penetration by a fishbone with migration to the abdominal wall and abscess formation. (翻译:我们提出一例鱼骨呑入,穿过肠壁并移走至腹壁形成腹壁脓疡之病例报告。)

8. Well, today, after some appropriate foreplay, they're gonna try to achieve full penetration. (翻译:嗯 今天 在适当的前戏之后... 他们将要尝试实现完全插入)

9. The thick walls prevented penetration by debris from the hurricane. (翻译:一堵堵厚墙阻挡了飓风带来的碎片的穿透。)

10. But you can immediately see that the Nanopatch achieves that penetration indeed. (翻译:但是你能立马看到纳米贴片 确实完成了需要的穿透。)

11. leathers and hides . chemical testing of leather . examination for penetration of tannage. (翻译:皮革。皮革的化学试验。鞣革的透入度检验。)

12. The personnel are all ex-military, trained to handle deep-penetration agents, moles. (翻译:成员都是前军人 专门受训从事深入渗透的特工 地鼠)

13. Results The penetration quality of SFF group formed from cuneiform liner is powerful. (翻译:结果由楔形罩形成的扇形自锻破片束侵彻性强。)

14. Our personal computer and Internet penetration rates are directly comparable to that of other advanced economies. (翻译:此外,香港的个人电脑和互联网渗透率,与其他先进经济体系相比,亦毫不逊色。)

15. But where it has caught on, especially in Germany, the Netherlands and Austria, its market penetration is higher. (翻译:但是它在一些地区逐渐赶上了Inditex,尤其是德国,荷兰和奥地利。在这些地区,它的市场渗透率高于Inditex。)

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