quinolinones是什么意思 quinolinones的中文翻译、读音、例句

quinolinones是什么意思 quinolinones的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:Yes, we are the weird ones. (是啊 我们是挺怪的 Yes, we are the weird ones.)


例句:Do not inflict it upon your loved ones. (Do not inflict it upon your loved ones.)


1. For the sake of your loved ones. (翻译:为了你爱的人们 For the sake of your loved ones.)

2. You introduced me to An Ni 'cause you knew she'd lead us to Tiffin Olin. (翻译:你把我引见An Ni 因为你知道 她会把我们引向Tiffin Olin)

3. Green ones... international carriers. (翻译:international airports. 绿灯... 是国际货运航班 Green ones...)

4. That you see. Ones that I wear... (翻译:我戴的都是全黑羽毛翅膀 Ones that I wear)

5. About the - The blood samples. (翻译:the ones with the high...)

6. They were the ones hiding it. (翻译:They were the ones hiding it.)

7. The ones he had with Jane and the ones with Nancy. (翻译:他和简和南希的孩子 The ones he had with Jane and the ones with Nancy.)

8. There will be no rightful ones or wrongful ones then. (翻译:到那个时候,亲爱的,就完蛋了 既没有对的,也没有错的)

9. The title Guardians came from research around burial objects looking specifically at the Terracotta Army of Emperor Quin. (翻译:的标题是从那些针对陪葬物,特别是秦始皇的兵马俑的研究而来。)

10. Why are we the only ones awake? (翻译:为什么只有我们醒了? Why are we the only ones awake?)

11. Were the only ones of your kind. (翻译:你们族类没有别人了 were the only ones of your kind.)

12. The ones you could handle yourself. (翻译:The ones you could handle yourself.)

13. Why is it always the famous ones? (翻译:为什么总是些名人出问题呢 Why is it always the famous ones?)

14. Mr. Enslin, I'm Gerald Olin, manager of the Dolphin. (翻译:安斯林先生 我叫杰纳德 奥林 这儿的经理)

15. Whatever ... as ESTs ... Think twice quin work. (翻译:不管是什么让你进入这一行的, 我们都希望你能在决定在哪开店前三思而后行)

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