例句:Qui, so what is the group? (邱,那么这是什么团队? Qui, so what is the group?)
例句:Boss, the Commissioner is on the line (the Commissioner is on the line)
例句:We will find The child in ourselves ({Y: 我}我们会发现 {Y: 我对自己的孩子})
1. We will find The child in ourselves (翻译:{Y: 我}我们会发现 {Y: 我对自己的孩子})
2. theta, y=1, else y=0. (翻译:当 a >=theta 时 y=1,反之 y=0。)
3. # Fellows will fall in line [clears throat] (翻译:# Fellows will fall in line)
4. Power surges, on-line shutdowns... (翻译:on -line shutdowns...)
5. With the crisis- which bugs you (翻译:遇到令您不快的危机 Avec la crise qui vous défrise)
6. All that is wrong All that's not going well (翻译:所有不好的事情发生 Tout ce qui ne va pas, ce qui ne tourne pas rond)
7. I can reflect it in the line through X, or the line through Y, or the line through Z. (翻译。我可以在X轴上翻转它, 或在Y轴上, 或在Z轴上。)
8. Pater Noster, qui es in caelis: (翻译:Pater Noster,qui es in caelis:)
9. A Mississippi steamer is a handy prop to practise on. (翻译:密西西比河上的蒸汽轮渡就是付诸实践的手头道具)
10. Pater Noster, qui es in caelis. (翻译:Pater Noster,qui es in caelis.)
11. # Lo mexicano y columbiano # (翻译:# Lo mexicano y columbiano #)
12. Il y a un monsieur sur le bateau qui voudrait bien que vous lui arrangiez son chapeau. (翻译:船上有位先生... 想请你帮他 把帽子折成最酷的样子)
13. Why are you pursuing this line of... (翻译:Why are you pursuing this line of)
14. And become children In soul and mind (翻译:{Y: 我}而且成为儿童 {Y: 我的灵魂和精神})
15. Sam, get to the punch line. (翻译:get to the punch line.)