rabbia是什么意思 rabbia的中文翻译、读音、例句

rabbia是什么意思 rabbia的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词性及词义:rabbia 是一个意大利语词汇,是名词,通常翻译为“愤怒”、“狂怒”等。在医学上,rabbia 也可以指狂犬病。

2. 用法:rabbia 可以作为主语、动词的宾语以及修饰词等,常用于描述人的情绪或感受。

3. 发音:rabbia 的发音为 /ˈrabbja/,其中的“b”是浊辅音,发音时嘴唇轻轻合拢、声带震动。

4. 派生词:rabbioso 是 rabbia 的形容词形式,意为“愤怒的”、“狂怒的”。rabbiosamente 则是 rabbioso 的副词形式,意为“愤怒地”、“狂怒地”。


1. La rabbia che prova dopo l'incidente è comprensibile. (His anger after the accident is understandable.)

2. Le sue parole mi hanno fatto venire la rabbia. (His words made me angry.)

3. Non c'è motivo di avvicinarsi a un animale in rabbia. (There's no reason to get close to a rabid animal.)

4. Il cane è stato portato in clinica per accertare se ha contratto la rabbia. (The dog was taken to the clinic to see if it had contracted rabies.)

5. Rabbiosamente, ha chiuso la porta dietro di sé. (He closed the door behind him angrily.)


读音:rá bìa


1. Ho sentito la sua rabbia quando ho detto quella cosa. (当我说那句话时,我感受到他的愤怒。)

2. La rabbia è una reazione emotiva naturale a una situazione frustrante. (愤怒是对令人沮丧的情况的自然情绪反应。)

3. Non lasciare che la rabbia ti controlli, devi gestirla. (不要让愤怒控制你,你必须控制它。)




例句:- Him? Larbi Rabbi Slimane. (Larbi Rabbi Slimane.)


例句:Reema Sisodia was a friend of Rivkah, the rabbi's wife. (西索迪亚是拉比妻子瑞夫卡的朋友。)


1. Rabbi, so, this is my friend leonard goldberg. (翻译:教士 他是我的朋友 戈德堡 他也很担心我的事情)

2. - Never again, Rabbi, never again. (翻译:-真是放肆 -再也不会了,Rabbi,再也不会)

3. Then Nathanael declared, "Rabbi, you are the Son of God; you are the King of Israel. " (翻译:拿但业说:“拉比,你是神的儿子,你是以色列的王!”)

4. They want to kill rabbi Jacob and rabbi Seligman. (翻译:他们想杀拉比 雅各布和拉比 Seligman.)

5. David Wolpe, the rabbi of Sinai Temple in Los Angeles, has been named the No. 1 Pulpit rabbi in America by Newsweek. (翻译:戴维·沃尔普,是洛杉矶西耐寺的犹太教祭司,被命名为美国新闻周刊的1号讲师。)

6. Sometimes it was known as the tale of Pushtuchkin, the gay "rabbi." (翻译:有时它是 Pushtuchkin 同性恋拉比。)

7. As a university professor and as a rabbi. (翻译:作为大学教授 或者犹太先生都可以 我可以因此免受去美国的人数限额)

8. Just a rabbi door, Jim per-hakan gessle was rabbi, the daughter of a mock the book write down the words are realistic instantaneous. (翻译:刚出拉比家的门,吉姆佩尔又被拉比的女儿戏弄了一通,书上写的话瞬时被现实打倒。)

Rabbi, that is ridiculous! (翻译:从那时起,拉比格鲁克 的原因,重要的是...)

10. Went on until a new rabbi came. Rabbis always spoil things. (翻译:这样一直持续到一个新的拉比上任,拉比总是爱“搞破坏” )

11. And maybe the blessing of a priest or a rabbi would be good. (翻译:可能还包括牧师的祷告 {\3cH202020}and maybe the blessing of a priest 或者犹太祭司什么的 {\3cH202020}or a rabbi would be good.)

12. Seligman, rabbi Seligman. It's a pleasure. (翻译:Seligman, rabbi Seligman.)

13. You might be right, but this rabbi's blessing can't be rejected. (翻译:你也许是对的, 但总不能拒绝法师的祝福吧。)

14. Last week, I let Rabbi Lippman get to third base. (翻译:上周我和rabbi lippman上床了)

15. But that's something your rabbi would have to discuss with the manufacturer. (翻译:不过那是你们犹太人的学者 去跟机器人制造商商量的事情了)

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