rachitis uterina在英语中代表"胎性佝偻病"的意思,在日常中也代表"医"的意思,在线读音是[rachitisuterina],rachitis uterina是一个英语名词,在《英语汉语大辞典》中,共找到22个与rachitis uterina相关的句子。
Rachitis uterina的翻译
例句:The strong straight rachitis has the waist backache, when the rest aggravates, may be accompanied by the talalgia, the pinkeye; (强直性脊柱炎有腰背痛,休息时加重,可伴有足跟痛、红眼; )
例句:Dong Zhijun, 29, was born with congenital rachitis, which hampered the development of his limbs as he grew up. (今年xx岁的董志军患先天性佝偻病,阻碍了四肢的生长发育。)
rachitis uterina一般作为名词使用,如在rachitis(佝偻病 )、lyra uterina([医] 棕榈襞)、rachitis atrophica([医] 萎缩性佝偻病, 消瘦性佝偻病)等常见短语中出现较多。
rachitis | 佝偻病 |
lyra uterina | [医] 棕榈襞 |
rachitis atrophica | [医] 萎缩性佝偻病, 消瘦性佝偻病 |
rachitis foetalis | [医] 胎儿佝偻病, 胎性佝偻病 |
rachitis intrauterina | [医] 胎性佝偻病 |
rachitis renalis | [医] 肾病性佝偻病 |
rachitis rosary | 佝偻病性串珠 |
rachitis tarda | [医] 迟发佝偻病 |
pars uterina placentae | = maternal placenta |
1. Dr. Li Xiangyun's Experience in the Treatment of Infertility Duo to Endometriosis Uterina (翻译:李祥云治疗子宫内膜异位症合并不孕症的经验)
2. Can the congenital rachitis of child, have the funnel chest and many place skeleton maldevelopment treat? (翻译:孩子先天佝偻病,有漏斗胸和多处骨骼发育不良能治疗吗? )
3. But not be lumbar has bone proliferation, can diagnose add natural disposition rachitis for lumbar. (翻译:但不是腰椎有骨质增生,就可以诊断为腰椎增生性脊柱炎。)
4. The strong straight rachitis has the waist backache, when the rest aggravates, may be accompanied by the talalgia, the pinkeye; (翻译:强直性脊柱炎有腰背痛,休息时加重,可伴有足跟痛、红眼;)